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Friday, 1 April 2005
April 2005 Blog
4/5/05     Sophie had to have the laser eye surgery today at LeBonheur (where she had her stroke) so needless to say, it has been a scary and crazy day. The good news is, she did fine and should be discharged to come home tomorrow. She went under anesthesia and had to go on the ventilator during the surgery, but went back off immediately and is back to where she was on the oxygen cannula. She was waking up when I left the hospital and she recognized my voice.
             Lucas is doing well now that he is home. I think Sophie keeps him awake at night, but he seems to be recovering during the day. He is such a punkin! They are so cute together, and have really "found" eachother. Whenever we place them near eachother, they move closer until they are touching. They touch hands, then move closer, usually until their heads are touching! Silly babies!

Posted by our3babies at 9:50 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 January 2008 9:53 PM CST

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