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Sunday, 1 May 2005
May 2005 Blog
5/23/05   The babies are doing really well. They are drinking 5-6 oz. of formula each feeding and are only waking up once a night now! They are active during the day and love to go for walks and play on the floor. Soph has pretty much figured out pushing up and is still working on rolling. She is so determined to get it down and loves tummy time and working out. Lucas likes tummy time too because he likes to fall asleep... He is much more laid back that Soph and is so easy going. They are both working on communicating and like to "talk" to us and their toys and also to themselves in the mirror. They both have the cutest habit of touching and rubbing our hands and arms while we hold the bottle for them. They also like to hold our fingers while we feed them. The both also knead their fingers (like cats!) on our shirts when they lie on our chests to fall asleep. It is so sweet!
    Soph is still off oxygen and Lucas is off 20 hours a day. Pretty soon to be off altogether! Way to go babies!
5/1/05     Ok, so much for the weekly updates! Things have just been crazy around here! The babies are doing well. Soph recovered amazingly from the eye surgery and is on her way into remission for the ROP eye problems. She has another eye appt. tomorrow and it will hopefully be her last for two months or so. Lucas is in remission for ROP and doesn't have to be seen for two months, and then 4 after that if everything is ok. Both babies are going to start developmental and physical therapy to help get them caught up to their chronological age, even though they only should be a month old right now. Soph is trying desperately to roll over, and she loves to exercise and play games. She loves songs and making silly faces at us. Lucas loves to look around the room and is beginning to grab onto things, like the rattle in his pictures. They both are communicating with us and eachother. They have a toy zebra that they "talk to" also. We are finally getting some nice weather, so we have been out for many walks already, and they really like that. The pediatrician has taken Soph off all her meds except her vitamin because she is off oxygen! Lucas is weaning down and will be off his meds at the end of May. We're hoping he will also be off oxygen by then too. Ok, are you ready for this???? As of last week, Sophie weighed 9 lb. 2 oz and Lucas weighed 10 lb. 8 oz!!!! Not bad for  a 1 lb 9 oz and 1 lb 11 oz start! They are so big and gorgeous. We couldn't be more proud. Keep a lookout for new pictures!

Posted by our3babies at 9:51 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 January 2008 9:53 PM CST

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