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Wednesday, 1 June 2005
June 2005 Blog
6/30/05    SOPHIE ROLLED OVER BY HERSELF TODAY!!! TWICE SO FAR! They are growing by leaps and bounds every day. Soph is standing on her own and pulling up to get there. She stands for well over 10 seconds when she gets up and locks her knees. She always looks so proud of herself every time she does it too! Lucas is really figuring out how to communicate and is doing soooo well with eating. He really likes to eat from the spoon now an d will be starting baby food probably next week! He is working on pushing up, but he has a bigger head, so it's harder! He's so expressive and interested in studying faces. Soph is eating well too and also will try baby food soon! They are both such miraces and are learning new things every day! Pictures are going up almost daily because they are learning so many new things!
6/21/05    The babies had their 6 month doctor appointment today. Lucas is 15 lbs and Sophie is 13! WOW! Lucas is 24 inches long and Sophie is 23. The doctor said they look great and are really catching up fast for their actual age. They are doing MOST of the skills for 6 month olds, although some of their motor skills like rolling over on thier own and sitting up alone are a bit delayed. But truly, they are ahead since they should only be 2 1/2 months old! They are really developing great personalities and are so much fun to be around. They laugh and smile when you make faces at them, and they are starting  to mimic facial expressions. They also like to play games and they LOVE music and dancing. They recognize us and smile at us all the time. They are eating betweein 6 and 8 ounces of formula a feeding and have been cleared to have rice cereal and begin baby food whenever they are comfortable with the spoon! They are growing up soooo fast!

Posted by our3babies at 9:53 PM CDT

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