7/28/05 The babies are doing great! Since I last wrote an update, we have traveled to Indianapolis, which they did really well with. They both enjoyed seeing Nana and Papa George again, and they did much better in the car this time. They are both moving around, and have discovered how to pull their legs up under them and push their bodies forward like little inchworms. It's sooo cute! Also, they have discovered the wonderful world of blowing raspberries. It is really cute to watch, EXCEPT at mealtime, which happens to be their favorite time to do it. They take a spoonful of food, and then blow with their lips together and spray it everywhere. Then they both laugh and giggle. I try to so hard not to laugh because i don't want to encourage it, but when they both get going and then they smile that "aren't I cute" smile afterwards, it's so hard not to crack a smile too. They laugh at eachother now too. I don't know what I am going to do with these two. They are definitely going to be teaming up on me soon enough!
7/11/05 WELL, IT DIDN'T TAKE LONG.... LUCAS ROLLED TODAY BY HIMSELF! They are doing such fun things! Today was a very big day for us. Lucas rolled by himself for the first time, and both babies worked on sitting by themselves (check out the pictures!). Also, we recieved a present from Yaya (Grandma Barbara). Inside, were some adorable clothes in a plastic bag. While Will and I were admiring the clothes, Lucas grabbed a hold of the plastic bag and started belly laughing. He had such a great time making the plastic crackle. He giggled for about 5 minutes. We then took the bag over to Sophie and she started to belly laugh too! We hadn't heard them laugh like that before, and the best part is... We got it all on videotape! They are so adorable!
Posted by our3babies
at 9:55 PM CDT