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Monday, 1 August 2005
August 2005 blog
8/26/05    Geez, what AREN'T they doing? Soph is rolling back and forth all the time, and has figured out how to get up on all fours for short periods of time. Lucas is working on rolling back and forth, and gets so proud of himself when he does it. They sit for short periods of time, but prefer standing and are starting to take steps when we provide the balance. They are starting to understand their names, and they look at us when we say them. They both love their new high chairs and are eating like CRAZY! They go through about 3-5 packs of food EACH a day, which is about 7.5 - 12.5 oz. each. They also drink a ton of formula... at night, they each drink about 10-11 oz. in their last feeding of the day. No wonder they have HUGE thighs!
    They are doing all sorts of cute things too. Soph loves to smile when you smile at her, and she LOVES getting and giving kisses. She absolutely lights up when she gets them and tries to put her mouth on your face or mouth to give them back. Then she grins like she is SO proud of herself! Lucas loves to flirt and interact. He plays games, like hiding under things. I had him lying in my bed while I was getting dressed this morning and he kept pulling hte pillow over his face, then peeking out and grinning at me! What a ham!
They are so sweet and we are having a blast learning new things every day!  
8/18/05    Soph has finally mastered rolling from her back to her tummy. It's been a very slow and tedious process,but she has finally gotten the hang of it and is LOVING it! She rolls from her back to her tummy, then pulls her knees up under her and scoots forward to get to toys. Lucas can get his leg over, but then hasn't quite figured out how to pull his shoulder over too. He also scoots when he gets on his tummy. Looks like it's time to baby proof the house!  They are both laughing all the time and are mimicking sounds. According to our home scale, Lucas is 20 lbs and Soph is 15.5 lbs. They are growing so fast!
8/13/05    Lucas and Sophia are doing really well. We got back last weekend from our trip to Delaware and Pennsylvania where the babies met many old friends and many of Will's relatives. They did really well with the flights and with the traveling too! We found out that both babies will probably be in glasses soon, which we had hoped they wouldn't, but there are far worse things! I am going to get my eyes checked and get an updated prescription and switch from contacts to glasses too so we can all wear glasses. Soph may need to do some patching because she is relying on one eye more than the other, but it is pretty much a cosmetic thing at this point! We can live with that. Other than that, Lucas weighs about 19 lbs and Soph is probably around 15 or 16. We go back to the pediatrician in September and will give an official weight then! Check out the new pictures, they are adorable!

Posted by our3babies at 9:56 PM CDT

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