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Thursday, 1 September 2005
September 2005 blog
9/27/05    Since the last time I wrote, Soph has said "Mama" and has continued to babble. Mostly, she loves to talk in the morning and at mealtimes. She has also figured out how to spin herself around on the floor and rotate in circles to get to toys, bouncy chairs, us, etc. She is seeing better because when I come and sit in her eyesight on the floor, she turns and starts to move towards me! So Cute! She has also started to pull up on things, although she isn't really strong enough just yet to do it on her own. 
            Lucas' first tooth finally came through yesterday and he's in a much better mood now, although it looks as though the next one is well on it's way. He loves to bang on the keyboard while I type, and has figured out how to kick his legs and bounce in his bouncy chair. Both babies are starting to finger feed themselves, and Lucas has realized that when his hand goes out and picks up something, and then goes to his mouth, he gets food. So now randomly, he'll thow his arm out and then bang himself in the mouth several times in a row as if he is feeding himself. It's funny to watch, but maybe he's signing that's he's hungry... I don't know yet. Anyway, they are totally adorable and doing so many new things!
9/16/05     Update!!!! Ok, not much to report except that Sophia started babbling today! She blows raspberries and then says "Babababa"! Yeah Sophia!
9/13/05    Ok, so I haven't been as diligent as I would like to on documenting the milestones... but Yesterday, Sophie had her first crawls! She finally figured it out, after working and working for what seemed like weeks. She crawled about 4 times in a row, forward! Lucas has figured out how to roll both ways, and he pushes up and has started pulling his knees under him a bit, although not near crawling yet. But , he;s got a lot more weight to drag around! Both babies have figured out the sippy cups and love to drink out of them. I think it makes them feel independant. Every time i get them out, they grab them out of my hand and start drinking. They have both also figured out "uppy." When we put out hands out to them while they are lying down, they will raise both arms to be picked up.
Now, for the other big news. The babies had their 9 month check up today (yes, they really are 9 months). Lucas weighed in at 22 lbs even and Sophie is 17 lbs. 9 oz. Lucas is 27 inches long and Soph is 26. The doctor came in asking "What are you feeding these childre?" She is VERY pleased with their growth and developmental progress, and she kept reminding me that they should only be about 6 months old. They are cleared to eat table food now in small pieces, so goodbye to the nasty baby food! Well, ok, they still have to eat some, but we can at least try new things! We're starting snacks like wagon wheels and cheerios, and we can cut up small pieces of food that can be mashed, like fruit and veggies!
They are growing up SO fast I can't believe it. They smile and laugh and play games now, and it seriously just seems like it happened overnight.

Posted by our3babies at 9:58 PM CDT

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