4/28/06 And again! It's been an entire week since I've written. GRRR... It's been a rough week, both babies have stuffy noses and have had trouble sleeping because of it. It was really warm, then got cool, and is getting warm again. I wish the weather would just make up it's mind! It makes for VERY fussy babies!
Lucas and Sophia have continued to play tag, and have figured out the DADA version of Marco Polo. They wake eachother up by playing it, and they play it when they are on opposite sides of the living room. I hear a little girly voice scream "DADA", and then the male response, "DADA". Usually followed by a repeat or giggles by both. Now that they are both walking pretty well, they chase eachother around the house giggling with delight. It's so cute!
We're still gaining words and working on catching up. Their most recent developmental assessment only showed delays in gross motor skills, and even in that, they weren't dealyed much. They were even testing at 18 months in some catagories!
We have our WalkAmerica walk tomorrow. The forms are printed, the t shirts are made, and we're ready to go! Check back for pictures soon!
4/21/06 It's been forever since I've updated! We've been busy. Last weekend was Easter and, from the pictures, you can tell we had a pretty good time. It was in the 80's, so we did a minor Easter Egg hunt, which they did really well with! They loved the grass in the Easter baskets, which is also really fun to pick up after they distribute it around the living room! All in all, a pretty happy Easter.
They did WONDERFULLY during Physical Therapy yesterday. Both are walking pretty well now, and Lucas pops up without pulling up on anything. Soph is getting really steady with her walking, and is getting more adventurous with trying new things. Lucas climbs up on EVERYTHING. I watched him climb on the coffee table, the couch, in the playhouse window, into the toybox, and in the wagon. Next thing we know, he'll be climbing the walls!
Both babies are saying Doggie and Mama (although Soph's is still more like Blabla). They know Dada and they will also repeat words we say, if not in the entirity, at least parts of the word.
They played tag for about 20 minutes straight the other evening. One would chase the other, and then when they caught up with them, they woudl both shriek and laugh, then would turn around the chase the other. They would come around corners face to face and fall out laughing. As fun as it was to watch, Will and I wished they would have engaged in this game at like 6:30PM instead of 8:30 when we were both exhausted and ready for bed. Oh well, you do what you gotta do.
Overall, we're doing pretty well. I'll try to update more frequently! We're doing our March of Dimes walk next weekend!
4/11/06 And the kissing continues.... Now Lucas and Sophia have decided that everytime they crawl by eachother, they need to stop and kiss eachother on the cheek. It's really very sweet. However, this morning, Lucas decided that one kiss wasn't enough. He was sitting next to Sophia and kept pulling her sleeve so she would lean in and give him another kiss. Apparantly her tolerance for this game gave in around 2 kisses, at which time she started SCREAMING everytime he pulled on her. He laughed at her and she realized it was a game, and the rest of the morning, they spent pulling on eachother's sleeves and laughing. SO SILLY!
Yesterday at breakfast, I was singing to my adorable children and and apparantly they don't appreciate mealtime serenades. Lucas put both pointer fingers in his ears and just sat there with this smirk on his face like, "Haha mama, I can't heeeear you!".(by the way, I got a picture of this, it will be up shortly) Shortly thereafter, Sophia stuck a piece of cheese in her ear... literally in her ear. I had to dig it out.... I guess the singing shouldn't start until after 10am or so?
The babies had so much fun so far this week playing outside. It't been near 80 for the last few days and they have such a good time getting reaquainted with the grass, sidewalk, driveway, patio furniture, etc. Lucas walked all the way across the front yard, and Soph took about 15 steps, of course both AWAY from me.... so independant, right up until they are tired or need snuggling....
4/7/06 Our son, the ladies man..... So Lucas' newest favorite thing to do is to walk up to Sophia and shove his cheek in her face so she'll give him a kiss! And she does it too! It started with the nose, but after one slobbery kiss there, it quickly progressed to the cheek. Now he just walks up and leans into her so that his cheek in right in front of her face, and she leans in and kisses him! They both giggle afterwards. I swear this kid is going to have 50 girlfriends in preschool.
Sophia does about 1/2 of the itsy bitsy spider. She does the spider (fingers moving upwards) and the "out came the sun" (grabs one wrist with the other hand and makes a circle above her head). Lucas figured out "SO BIG!" and when he puts his arms up, he wiggles his fingers too, for effect I guess??? Whenever we do SO BIG! Sophia makes her "out came the sun" pose. I don't know, It's close I guess? Whatever works.
4/5/06 Well, we've been laying pretty low this past week or so. It appears that when we went to the pediatrician for our 5th round of ear infections, the babies caught a viral throat infection in the waiting room. So we've been working to get over that, with a mixture of benadryl, maalox, and motrin.... they LOVE it... no wait, hold on, we basically have to pry their mouths open to get them to swallow it. But, oh well. Sleeping has been sort of a joke lately. Hopefully, we are on the mend though.
Since they have been really sick, they have both been pretty fussy. Lucas cries at just about anything, and yesterday, Soph walked up to him during a tantrum and just planted a HUGE kiss on his cheek. I think it stunned him, and I of course let out a huge, "AAAWWWW!" to which they both smiled and tried to figure out what I was so excited about and how they could do it again. They also are "talking" to eachother a lot more. I swear they play Simon Says togethre, because one will clap, and the other will clap. Then one will say dadada, and the other will say it. They just laugh and laugh when they do it too. They've been having a great time playing in their playhouse, and Lucas has figured out how to sit in the seats, so he sits around and orders Soph around, who typically just looks at him and then goes on doing whatever she was doing anyway. Lucas also gets our attention by ringing the doorbell of the house. He will be standing inside and will reach around the window and ring the bell until we look at him or talk to him. Then he will grin and wave and go back to playing. Sophia has learned to blow kisses, which is absolutely adorable. She makes the MMMMAAAA sound when she does it too! What silly silly babies!
Posted by our3babies
at 10:10 PM CST