February 2007 blog
2/25/07 So we've had an interesting weekend, weather wise. Saturday morning, a thunderstorm woke the kids up. Lucas was scared and woke up crying. I ran into his room and picked him up. We sat down and I explained to him that the flashes were just lightning and they wouldn't hurt him. What does Lucas do? He points to his "Cars" poster and asks me where Mater is. Ok, so cute, but then I tried to explain to him that the loud Boom he heard after the lighting is called Thunder, to which he says, "No No No, Boom (is) Mater." The rest of the storm, everytime there was lightning, he would yell, "Lightning! Mater!" and, "Mater! Loud!" What a goof. I also had to explain hail to the kids this weekend. It started hailing shortly after the previous conversation, and the kids were jumping up and down screaming, "Balls! Balls!" How do you explain little balls falling from the sky?
Sophia has really taken to caring for all of her dolls. I think she has something like 10 that she carries around and cares for all the time. Will and I were laughing the other day because we came into the living room and there was a doll in every single one of Bella's "gear". The boucy seat, the swing, the Bumbo seat, the boppy, and her carseat ALL had baby dolls in them, all covered up with burp cloths (Phia's blanket of choice). She's become quite the little mother!
Bella is giggling all the time and rolling all over the place. She pushes way up to watch the kids, and talks ALL the time, goo'ing and maa'ing.
We had a little oscar party this afternoon. Mama's a bit of an awards show junkie, so we dressed up for the Oscars and colored pictures of awards today. Check out the pictures!
2/22/07 A Bella update!!!! Bella had her 4 month checkup yesterday and weighed in at 14 lbs. 9 oz. and is 24 3/4 inches long! She is growing so fast! She giggled and grinned through the entire checkup (except for the shots) and was so happy and cute, the doctor threatened to take her home with her. We'll have to keep an eye on this little one!
Lucas and Soph are also getting so big. It finally got a little warmer this week, so we played outside on their new playset, and both kids enjoyed walking along the brick flowerbed (sort of like a balance beam!). The speech therapist asked me to make a list of the spontaneous words they say (not ones they repeat right after we say them). During the two hours they were in speech/occupational therapy, I came up with a list of about 100 words for each kid! GOOD LORD!
Nana and Papa came for a visit this past weekend, which the kids LOVED. They drove the truck down, so they were able to bring the kids' tricycles from Christmas, AND their new toddler beds. We aren't fully sleeping in them yet, but they love to play in them! Lucas got a blue racecar bed and Sophia got a dollhouse bed (both Little Tykes). So far, Lucas and Soph have put their chairs in the racecar (without the mattress) and pretended to be the Wiggles riding in their big red car, and they put Sophia's PoppyPee in the dollhouse headboard of her bed. At least they are developing their imaginations!
The kids got to play on the playground at Mother's Day out yesterday, so when I picked them up, Lucas told me he wanted "more school" and Sophia refused to get in the stroller. I wasnt' sure whether to be so happy they have finally decided to love school, or whether to be disappointed they were less than excited to see me :( I guess it's all part of growing up :)
Keep checking for new pictures, and I swear, I am going to get Will to show me how to download videos from our camera soon. (The last one was from Nana and Papa's camera). Have a great end of February!
2/14/07 Happy Valentine's Day! We're celebrating with specially hand-colored valetines from the kids and heart shaped Jello jigglers :)
Sophia hit a huge milestone this week. She actually asked to wear her glasses. We've been fighting her to wear them since before she turned 1, and the other day when it was time to watch for the school buses, she asked me to put her glasses on! She is also talking so much and spends the majority of her time carrying around babies and putting them to bed, covering them up, rocking them, feeding them, etc. She's also developing a sense of humor. She was fussing at me while I was on the phone with my mom earlier this week. I was talking and absentmindedly throwing a stuffed football up in the air and catching it while I talked. I missed one time and the football bonked me in the head, to which Soph stopped crying immediately and started giggling at me. This is now one of her favorite new games...
Lucas is talking essentially in sentences now, which is fun. He repeats everything we say, which is a little scary. He has enjoyed riding the swiffer around this week, and also learned to use the broom and dustpan appropriately! WAHOO! He's fallen in love with ketchup, and I think would eat it on anything we would let him. He dances like a maniac everytime we hear music or sing, and he has started counting too!
Bella has started to roll from her back to her side, so now she's rolling from front to back, and back to side, soon to realize that she could make it all the way over onto her tummy with just a little extra umph... She is giggling when we tickle her, and she is still totally in love with Lucas and Sophia. She goes for her 4 month checkup next week! Hard to believe it's been that long.
We've been spending so much time indoors that we've come up with some interesting things to play with. We've made sock puppets, which love to tickle the kids, and we taught them to bowl with sippy cups as bowling pins and a 4 square ball. We also taught them to catch marshmallows in their mouths when we throw them up in the air. Ok, so maybe we don't catch MOST of the time, but it's fun ot play, AND watch!
2/9/07 BRRRRRR!!! It's SO cold here that we haven't been able to go outside much, so the kids are getting pretty stir crazy. Thank goodness we have the playroom! We've been using ALL the extra space in our new house to occupy the time and use up some of that toddler energy! They love playing in their rooms, and chasing eachother up and down the hall. They also LOVE to cook, which is fun as long as there are extra hands to help. Our last endeavor, we ended up with the kids covered in flour and the floor covered in eggs. Needless to say, that cleanup took a while :)
The kids' had their valentine's party at school on Thursday, so they came home with little bags they made with valentines from the other kids. Lucas and Soph spent quite a bit of time last week coloring valentines to give the kids, and they turned out really cute!
We've really taken dancing to a new level in our house. Sophia has created this new dance that is similar to one of characters in Charlie Brown (maybe Peppermint Patty? i don't remember) but she bounces and puts her head to one side (like touching her ear to her shoulder) then flips her head to the other side (touching other ear to other shoulder). She flips her head back and forth and just bops along. Lucas has incorporated marching, bouncing, arm waving, screaming, spinning, and various other moves into his dancing. It's quite a sight to see the two of them. I took some video this morning and will try to get it up soon.
Bella is sick, but is growing so fast. She has a cough and runny nose this week, but hopefully will be over it soon. She is goo'ing and gaa'ing all the time to the kids, and she still has the most adorable dimples when she grins. She's typically such a content little one.
Ok, I'll update more soon, but I'm getting screamed at to distribute goldfish crackers faster than I am right now, so gotta run!
Posted by our3babies
at 10:27 PM CST