5/14/07 We had a pretty good weekend. The kids are all feeling better, and Bella continues to amaze me! She is now babbling all sorts of syllables, and really enjoying it too. When she's not "talking", she's silently practicing the facial movements to make the sounds. Yesterday, on Mother's Day, we were playing in the living room and she I think she was as surprised as we were, but we got all excited and she busted out this HUGE grin! Unbelievable! She's gonna be chasing the kids around before we know it! Lucas and Sophia got to wash the car for the first time this weekend. They had a blast with the hose and sprayed eachother/ themselves/ the yard and even managed to get some water on the cars! They were eating lunch yesterday and Will was doing dishes. He opened up a sippy cup that had been sitting for a few days (we tend to lose them every now and then). Well, apparantly it had milk in it, and Will yells out, "Oh my God!" as he poured the contents down the sink. In return, the kids began a chorus of "Oh my God!" 's which continued the rest of the weekend. Lucas's tend to be more like, "Oh. My. God." whereas Sophia's are, "Uhmuhgaaaad." (True valleygirl style- I'm just waiting for her to bust out the "gag me with a spoon" :) Guess we really need to watch what we say a little closer.... Lucas and Soph have also started the "Gockley 500" around the house. Since Lucas and FLY on his tricycle (parallel park, reverse, the works), he drives all over the house. Soph hasn't quite figured out the steps to make the trike move (namely keeping her feet on the pedals), so she chases after :Lucas as fast she can while pushing her double stroller with babies strapped in. Boy do they get a fun ride! And Bella just watches in amazement, waiting for the day she can join in all the fun :) I probably won't be posting again for a while. We have a crazy busy week (Will's out of town 3 days, kid's have eye appt's, therapy, etc. ) and then Friday, we are driving to Indianapolis for a two week vacation! I have a feeling we'll be REALLY busy visiting with family and friends, so I'll take lots of pictures and try to keep those updated, but I probably won't get a chance to update the blog until we get back in June. Until then, keep smiling and i'll do my best to jot down the funny moments we have between now and then! Have a great one!
5/6/07 First, Happy 25th birthday Aunt NeeNee! The kids are all sick again. They keep passing this cough/runny nose/ all around yucky feeling virus back and forth. The great news is, Will and I have caught it too. :( We're a cough-y, hack-y, snotty mess around here!
Last night, we had a little get together at our house for a few friends. We had adults, AND (including our kids), a 5 year old, a 3 year old, 4- 2 year olds, a 1 year old and a 6 month old. The kids did GREAT and were so good about sharing their toys and swings! I think they were a little overwhelmed to have so many kids running around in their backyard and house, but they seemed to have a really good time! Other than that, we've been busy making milkshakes, being sick, and playing outside as much as we can! We're really looking forward to our trip to Indy in two weeks, and we look at the sticker on the calendar daily to count the days!
Let's see, the kids learned to do the monkey bars, although they need a little help holding on between bars. Bella gets up on all 4's now and rocks (check out the pictures in the May album!). She's also crawling/scooting backwards across the room! The kids are throwing out new words and phrases every day, and we are constantly wild and crazy around here!