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Wednesday, 1 August 2007
August 2007 blog

8/23/07    Words are developing like crazy around here. Sounds that were missing just a few weeks ago have been found and perfected (like SH and F) and the sentences are getting clearer and clearer! Makes for much more pleasant conversation around here when I can completely understand what they are saying!

Lucas and Sophia got a crash course in pizza making last night. The favorites were pepperoni and mushrooms. I think they ate half the toppings before they ever even made it on the pizza! 

    Bella is taking a few steps at a time now, and is balancing when she does it, not just falling forward. She FINALLY popped through the top tooth she has been working on for about 3 weeks now, so the mood is a little better :)

     I'm off to exchange library books, a newfound love in the Gockley household. Thy can't get enough reading! Have a great week! 

8/16/07     It's a day of mixed emotions for mama. Today, I dropped all three kids off at Mother's Day out. Lucas and Sophia have graduated to the bigger kids class, and Miss Bella is starting to go one day a week. I am at home, it's quiet, and I have no children crying, laughing, talking, needing diaper changes, or anything. It's wonderful, and sad at the same time. They are growing up so fast! Hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I'll let you know how the first day went after I pick them all up from school (and after my nap! :)

8/13/07     This week has been a doozy! Sophia's ear got water in it, and since she has tubes, it started bleeding, so she's on ear drops, which she HATES. Bella has an ear infection, so she's on antibiotics, which tear up her tummy. So she's in a pretty foul mood (and sleep deprived to boot!). Lucas has just been plain ornery this week! It doesn't help that we can't really go outside since the heat index is about 110 degrees, so the kids are stuck inside the majority of the day (except evenings when we hit the blow up pool).

    The sentences are coming in full force these days with Lucas and Phia. Lucas told me the other day at lunch, "Mommy, Mac and Cheese tastes good to me." WOW, i was impressed. Sophia came to me crying yesterday and I asked her where she had been." In my bed." When I asked her what was wrong, she told me, "Poppypee hurt my arm!" Ok, so Lucas threw the doll, which hit Phia's arm, but she got the basics right!

   Bella is taking two consecutive steps in a row now. She also learned to climb the stairs, as well as onto the top of the kids' little picnic table. She is pretty proud of herself too :) She stand indefinitely playing with things, but still crawls in warp speed when she wants to get somewhere (ie when the kids leave the room).

    So Lucas was watching Will fill up the tires on his bike the other day with his air compressor. The kids don't really like it because it's pretty loud when it fills, but he was watching nonetheless. Will came out after putting Lucas to bed that night laughing and told me that after doing his nebulizer treatment, Lucas pulled the mask off the hose as usual. Will went to turn off the nebulizer, and Lucas said, "No turn off!" So Will left it on and Lucas took the hose and put it next to the axle of the wheel of his little people firetruck. I never would have put the two together, but it definitely makes sense! He was filling up the air in the tires! What a smart kid!

     Keep checking our videos frequently! We're putting up new ones all the time, which means we have to erase the old ones because our free membership has limited storage. :(

8/6/07      So I think she was just waiting for me to update, but I have HUGE news! BELLA TOOK HER FIRST STEPS THIS EVENING! She took a step toward the play table, AND she took another one outside standing up in the pool! What a little overachiever. She was a little shocked at first, but was so proud of herself. Go Bella!

8/6/07      IT'S HOT!!!!!!! We've been doing our best to stay cool by playing inside, as well as in our blow up pool and the sprinkler. I think we've also hit up everyone we know around here who has a big pool to play in too. We have a heat warning in 106 degrees today, and it's actually supposed to get hotter as the week goes on.... :(

    The kids are officially talking in sentences, and repeating EVERYTHING they hear. Sophia has gotten bossier than ever, and has recently become the "timeout" police. Anytime anyone does anything wrong, she orders them to timeout and persists until she feels they have "served their time." She has even ordered Bella and Sadie to timeonut (they both look at her like she's nuts). She went so far as to try to send ME to timeout yesterday. That's when we officially had the "Mommy and Daddy decide who goes to timeout, not Sophia" talk. We'll see if it sticks...

    Lucas is a wild man these days. He jumps off everything, from the couch to the coffee table, to stairs. He jumps into the pool, and off the ladder for the slide. He jumps on the trampoline and on my bed (even though he knows he isn't supposed to jump on/from 99% of these places). He sings a million songs, ranging from the alphabet (most of it), to Old McDonald. Some of his favorites still are Baby got back (thanks Uncle Jake) and Vanilla Ice Ice Baby. When the kids aren't singing songs they know, they are making up new ones. It's a riot to hear what they come up with.

    Bella has turned into a serious crabapple the past few days. She's working hard to gether top two teeth in, and it is apparantly killing her because she can't eat or sleep. She's a mess! In her good moments, she's cruising like a pro and standing by herself. She wants so desperately to take that first step, she's just not quite there yet. She is still absolutely in love with the kids, and the feeling is mutual. Neither kid EVER eats anything without breaking off a tiny piece for Bella . Bella has to be included in every game, storytime, and group hug or tickle session (by decree of Luca and Phia). Bella just eats it up. When nothing else cheers her up, the kids can always bring a smile to her face. It chokes me up sometimes how much they love eachother. Yesterday, we were in the car and Bella was overtired and screaming. Lucas and Sophia got these worried looks on their faces and when I told them that she was ok, just tired, they spent the next 15 minutes (until we got home) alternating back and forth singing songs to her to keep her entertained. When we went to get them all out of the car, we saw that they had both given her their sippy cups and they were all holding hands too. Maybe it won't last, but for now, I couldn't be prouder of my kids for being so kind and loving. Even in their bad moments, they really are sweet kids. :)  

Posted by our3babies at 7:31 AM CDT

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