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Tuesday, 1 January 2008
January 2008 Blog

1/28/08     My babies are growing up!!!! Sophia finally tried going on the big potty and now she's hooked! She is so proud of herself everytime she goes (We're so proud too!) and she said to me yesterday when she went, "Mommy, I heard a little tinkle!" Lucas is insanely jealous that she can make the tinkle sound, because when he stands up (which used to be the cause of jealousy in our house), he's just barely over the rim so it doesn't "tinkle" per se. Yesterday, he decided he needed to go sitting down so he could hear the tinkle sound too. Funny what gets them jealous, isn't it? :)  Sophia also flushed the big potty this weekend, which is a huge feat for her. She held my hand and did it, and the noise scared her a little, but once she realized she had control over when the noise happens, she just grinned. Another major obstacle, overcome.

    Bella is talking like CRAZY! When I took her in for her 15 month, the doctor asked if she had any words. I was like, "YEAH! probably 15 or more." Apparantly that's pretty advanced for her age. Her newest words are Chocolate, which sounds like Shashalette (as well as HOT shashalette), and cereal, which sounds like seesee uhl. Close enough for me! No more grunting and pointing in this house! She also has decided that she needs a chocolate and a sticker everytime the kids get one, which is when they go in the potty. She SCREAMS until she gets one, and then stands under the sticker chart until we lift her up and let her put hers on too. Don't tell her she isn't 3, she doesn't know it yet...

   Lucas has taken to singing EVERY nursery rhyme known to man. He knows them ALL, from do you know the muffin man, to found a peanut (which by the way, I've banned. Did you know the person singing dies in it? To which Lucas replied - That's sad... did he know by the sad music????). He always surprises me with a new one that he has learned, and has put fun little twists on some of them. Recently, I've been singing songs to him with silly words added in just to see if he's listening (ex. Mary had a little hippo...). He had me howling the other day with his rendition of Twinkle Twinkle little oatmeal....

   We've got a wild bunch here and we are starting to get seriously stir crazy inside. Can't wait for the warmer weather!!!!


1/22/08    Ok I'm gonna start with the vital statistics, and then share some funny stories. First, we had a doctor appt. today. Lucas and Sophia had their 3 yr. appt. Lucas weighed in at 36 lbs and is 39 inches tall. Sophia weighs 34 lbs. and is 38 1/2 inches tall. Bella is 26 lbs and is 33 inches tall. All are in the top 25% or so  in weight and height. They're gonna be BIG kids!

    As for what's going on here....

   Lucas has "found" Honey Dodey again (for those of you who missed the previous blog about him - Honey Dodey is his imaginary friend). Honey Dodey appeared at the grocery store the other day, and has somehow found his way into songs. He replaced Yankee Doodle yesterday, which ended up sounding like, "Honey Dodey went to town, riding on a Honey Dodey pony..." Looks silly, sounds even sillier. Lucas has also created a new word. He runs around talking about "castinators". We still aren't sure what a castinator is, but over Christmas he showed us a timer for the lights (you know, for when you are away) and called that one, but then the other day, he told me Bella had a castinator (she wasn't holding anything) so I can only assume it's an additional appendage or something???

    Sophia has always had a flair for naming things. She has dolls named Poppypee, poppypee purple, and potato. She now apparantly has named her nightlight. It is shaped like a little person (tykelight) and it's pink. It's name is..... wait for it..... Apple juice. At least she makes it interesting. She has also decided, completely of her own volition to start calling Lucas "Luke", which is fairly amusing since her L sound isn't completely developed, so he ends up being called Yuke alot. Finally, after our Dr. appt today, we were headed out to the car. I had the double stroller, but instead of being smart and putting 2 kids in it, I had Bella and the diaper bag in it. Lucas was up ahead and Sophia was lagging a bit behind me. I guess I was going too fast for her taste because she called up to me, "Mama! Mama, you are forgetting something.... It's ME!" I had to laugh, what a character.

    Bella boo is developing her language like crazy! She grabbed the kids earplugs the other day and said, completely unprompted, Eeepuu! Seems like she picks up a new word or two every day. I also tried putting Bella's hair up into pigtails. As soon as they were in, I looked at her and all I could think of was Boo from Monsters Inc. I included a picture of her, next to a picture of Boo, so you can compare too. Fairly convincing! Bella also decided that she likes asparagus. We decided to try it with the kids last night (Will and I love it). It wasn't even cooked very tender, but she ate about 6 stalks, one after the other. Check out the picture!

Speaking of pictures, I taught the kids the "art" of disco dancing. There's a video, enough said. :) We'll bring back the 70's if it kills us!


1/15/07    Bella has learned up/down now. She figured it out with the light switch, but has now applied it to various other settings. I realized she had it down when she was nursing. I know I know, a very bizarre time to realize it, but she was nursing, then she popped her head up from under my shirt, smiled and said, "UP!" Then immediately DOVE back down under and I hear a little voice say, "Dow (we aren't sure where the n went on the end)", followed by a little giggle, and of course, in true 1 year old style, a repeat performance about 40 times until I cut her off. What a character. Also, she still refuses to sleep. Check out the video of what mama goes through on a daily basis.

    Lucas went to the eye doctor yesterday to pick up his new glasses. I wasn't there (just Will took him) and it was supposed to be a quick in and out trip, but when they gave Lucas his new glasses to try on, he exclaimed (to the delight of the entire waiting room), "These are messed up! These are too messed up and I don't like them. Take them back, I like my old glasses." Wow, apparantly everyone in the waiting room laughed and then the nurses scrambled to check prescriptions and verify they had the glasses right. So far, they claim everything is right so we're still trying to figure out why he's so opposed to the new ones.

     Sophia has a best friend at "school" named Mary. Mary just got potty trained, so now Sophia is WAY interested in it too. She's also very interested in the chocolate that comes along with going in the potty (not to mention a sticker! and the promise of princess training pants). She's also very interested in "coloring her name" and telling me,"hands back mommy, i do it all by myself. NO HELP!". Quite the independant one these days. Finally, a new installment of "Lyrics by Sophia". Sophia was singing to me at breakfast this morning and created her own medley of songs. I will do my best to recount how it went, since I was laughing so hard it was difficult to hear. I believe it went something like this. "Row row row the boat, moley moley, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little lamb, little lamb little lamb, followed her to school one day where they sing the ABCDEFGHIJK L O P, pee pee in the potty and I get a chocolate, Chocolate, where are we going? Chocolate tree! (that's dora for the kid's show impaired)". This went on for about 5 minutes until I was laughing so hard that she stopped singing to ask me why I was laughing.

     What am I going to do with these kids????

1/9/07 Where is the rest of the blog? And why did the page load so much faster???? :)

That's the goal here. Things are changing a little bit on our page, hopefully to make it easier (and faster) for you to get your kiddo updates (they're like crack, aren't they?) Anyway, I will be posting the current month's blog on this page from now on, and then archiving the rest. You can always go to the archive and read up on what has happened in previous months at  https://our3babies.tripod.com/updates/

This link will remain at the top of the page so you can access it whenever you want. I'll also try to do better at keeping the pictures on this page updated too. Keep checking our videos and pictures too! Thanks!


1/8/08     Ok, there is no possible way I could update you on everything that has happened since I last posted. So here are highlights and a few stories to make you giggle :)

     First, Happy New Year! Today the kids had their first dentist appt. All 3 are cavity free and the dentist said they look great! They did really well. They were a little nervous at first, but the dentist's office is set up for kids, so they got prizes and got to play in the playroom too.

   Christmas was a BLAST! Check out all the pix in the December album for a recap. The kids got everything they could imagine and more. They had so much fun opening presents and I think they were in gift shock (maybe still are). They continue to ask for presents now every day when they wake up. Maybe it's because they opened on Christmas, they opened again when we got to Nana and Papa's house, then again at a Christmas party there, then again when Meliss and Steven came to visit, then again when we got to Grandma Barbara's house, then again when we got home! Hmmm..... I wonder why they think they should have presents all the time???? We had a great trip though and the kids got to see cousins they haven't seen in a long time (or ever in the case of Baby Jeff!). They had a blast playing with their cousin Maydee who is just 2 months younger than they are. I will post a video of them playing together shortly.

    None of us made it till midnight on New Years, but that's ok with me. We have PLENTY of years ahead for that.

   As for stories, here's a little bit of a "racy" one. Sophia and Lucas were in the bathroom at my mom's house using the potty. They are used to going at our house where they sit next to eachother or in seperate rooms, so the "little powder room" downstairs was different for them, being in such close quarters. Sophia was sitting on her little potty and Lucas was trying to go in the big potty right in front of her (which by the way, did you know 3 year olds get "stage fright"?) He obviously had his pants down and was facing away from Sophia, who kept poking at his "cheeks". Lucas tried to push the peepee out and farted, to which Sophia replied, "Lucas, what is your bottom SAYING?" I about died (and she probably will too years later when she reads this).

     Also, while we were there, the kids were playing with my parents' manger scene . We were explaining to them that the baby is Jesus and Christmas is his birthday. Then we moved on to the other people there. We showed them Mary, to which Lucas immediatly asks, "Where is her little lamb?" ok, how do you explain that one. We didn't, luckily the set came with a lamb (or sheep, close enough). We moved on to the shepard, who was holding his crook (bent over cane). Lucas decided that it was the man holding the giant candy cane. Sure, whatever. Then we got to the Wise men, who bring Jesus gifts. Well, since one had a beard, he immediately became Santa Claus because obviously, Santa brings presents on Christmas, which is Jesus's birthday. Did you know Santa was around during the birth of Christ? It suffices to say that it was a very interesting manger scene. (By the way, Lucas also swears there is a Moose in the manger scene).

     As for Bella boo, she is saying a whole bunch of words now. She says, all done, more, Elmo (although it still sounds like Elbow), doggie, Sadie, Sissy, Bubby, Mama, Dada, Nana, Night night, Dora, Backpack, Cookie, and many more. It's hard to believe she is only 14 months old.

    Hope ya'll are having a wonderful new year and check out our pictures, which I put all in the December 2007 album. I will also get new videos up soon!

Posted by our3babies at 12:08 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 4 February 2008 12:09 PM CST

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