7/24/08 No, we haven't fallen off the face of the earth, it's just been nuts around here lately! As you can see from the pictures, we had Melissa and Steven (the kids' godparents) come down to visit us last weekend! (Thanks again guys!). We had a blast and the kids got to "show off" for them in their true fashion. We finally got around to driving down to Graceland- we've only lived here in Memphis for about 4 years now and have never made it there. The kids got to show them their pool and the park, and Sophia's favorite- RIBS! Then, Nana came to visit for the week and Daddy's out of town, so it's just been pretty crazy.
I can't believe how big they are all getting. Bella's language is absolutely out of control. She is speaking in 4 and 5 word sentences and DEFINITELY knows how to get her point across now. Sophia helps her expand her vocabulary, and one of their favorite games in the car is "teacher." Sophia says, Bella, say (fill in any word here)" and Bella repeats it. We had a humerous conversation last weekend that went like this.
Sophia- "Bella, say mama"
Bella- "Mama"
S- "Bella, say Daddy"
B- "Daddy"
S- "Bella say sour candy"
B- "Sowa Candy"
S- "Bella, say Columbus Indiana"
B- (strange look at Sophia) slowly says"Sowa candy?"
ok, so I think that may be a little beyond her 21 month old vocabulary...
For those of you who don't know, I've been going to trainings to become a Court Appointed Special Advocate for foster kids. I get a "little" dressed up for the trainings, and Lucas has been really intrigued by this. I tried to explain that I am going to meetings to learn how to help other kids, but he insists on focusing on what I am wearing, so he has decided that I am going to my "high heel meetings" in the evenings. I was getting ready the other night and he was in my bathroom with me. He was talking to me about the meetings (again, which by the way, I'm concerned he is going to get to preschool in a few weeks and tell everyone that his mom has been going to "meetings" everynight...) and as I turned around, he came out of my closet in a pair of my heels,saying "I'm going to my high heel meeting now. I'll see you later. Be good for Daddy while I'm gone!" He has now recruited the girls to attend his high heel meetings too, and I have a great picture of them ALL tromping around the house on the way to their "meeting". I'll get it up soon, I promise!
As a sidenote, I don't know how many of you have little girls, but i'm guessing it's pretty common for them to name their dolls. However, Sophia wins the trophy for the oddest named dolls. She has a poppypee, a Teeta, a potato, and just recently told me her new doll is named Ant. I said, "Aunt, like Aunt neenee?" She said, "No, Ant like the bug." Um, ok.....
Have a great one! We're officially on "summer break" so I'll do my best to find time to update soon!
7/10/08 We're home and still unwinding from our trip. It was a crazy and busy week in Indy! We went and saw the REAL Thomas the Train, which was pretty exciting and overwhelming for the kids. They got to ride on Thomas, and do all sorts of Thomas crafts and games. By the time we left, they all passed out in the car before we even got on the highway :)
We also went to the sprinkle park that I used to play in when I was little. The kids got to see various relatives and friends, play in the GREAT BIG new sandbox that Nana and Papa built for them (3,000 lbs. of sand), and swim in the hot tub and blow up pool. Not to mention they got to see REAL fireworks and some at home ones too. They held sparklers for the first time this year, and they got to be in the 4th of July parade too! Check out the pictures, they are pretty cute!
Sophia is cracking us up daily these days with her little phrases and things she says. For example, she said to my mom one night at bedtime, " Nana, I really like,.. no, I really LOVE you, but I think I need Daddy to put me to bed tonight." What a character!
Lucas decided he wanted to be a train engineer when he grows up when we saw Thomas, then a Fireman AND a policeman after the parade, he wants to work with furniture like Uncle Ryan, and be in charge of setting off the fireworks too. He's got a busy busy career(s) ahead of him!
Bella "created" a new game on the way home. She plays peekaboo, but instead of saying peekaboo (which she DOES know how to say) when she "appears", she has decided to say, "TACO!" She and Sophia randomly play TACO now and it always cracks me up to hear it.
Now that we're home, we transitioned Bella to her Toddler/Elmo bed, and she's been doing really well in it! The first night, we got her to sleep, then transitioned Sophia into her bed once she was asleep (they're sharing a room). We heard Bella start fussing a little around 4am, so Will and I went in. He looked in Sophia's bed and she wasn't there, so he started looking around the house for her (sometimes she wanders if she wakes up). He couldn't find her, primarily because when I went to see why Bella was fussing, I found my two little girls cuddled up together in Bella's bed. Bella never really woke up, but I am wondering how much time they spent together in that bed! How SWEET!
Ok, I left Will alone to strip wallpaper, so I should probably get back to help so we can get it done before the munchkins are done with school, so have a great day and week!
Posted by our3babies
at 3:22 PM CDT