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Tuesday, 1 November 2005
November 2005 blog
11/30/05    Both babies are talking up a storm now. We have Dada's, Mama's, baba's, ga's, nana's, and everything else you can imagine. They are both cruising around the coffee table and are getting into EVERYTHING! They absolutely refuse to eat ANY baby food anymore, even the desserts. It's on to solid food! They have finished an entire can of Chef Boyardee lasagna in the past day and a 1/2. (Plus, a small can of creamed corn and two fruit cups!), not to mention bites of whatever we are having. Lucas has decided that, rather than crawl, he will go from sitting, to his knees, all the way over to sitting again in order to move. He rolls around like that all the way across the room. Soph is having none of that, she moves so fast that we have to keep a VERY close eye on her to make sure she doesn't end up in the dog bowl. I watched her crawl into the bathroom and immediately pull up on the toilet! Time for toilet locks (or at least to keep the bathroom door latched!). Crazy babies! Lucas has a top tooth coming in and is VERY fussy today. It's almost through though, thank goodness! The babies had a birthday party while my mom and dad were in town and got their first taste of cake! Check out the pictures, they are SO cute! WE definitely had to hose them off afterwards. Also, they had their first professional pictures taken this week. Should have them back by Christmas!
Can't believe they will be a year next week. Where has the time gone?
11/24/05    The babies didn't know what hit them today. They tried every single thing we had for Thanksgiving and loved ALL of it, even sparkling cider! You could tell Soph liked things when her feet would start kicking in the high chair. Lucas was easy to tell when he would start frantically yelping for more and then when you would look at him, he would hold his mouth wide open! What cuties! As for updates, Lucas finally began saying DADA today.. Over and over and over.... Soph has been exploring every single room in the house with Nana close behind. We have alot to be Thankful for this year! Check soon for Thanksgiving pictures!
11/23/05    Well, Sophia is officially cruising now. She walks/ gallops around the coffee table. Lucas is crawling backwards and talking SO much more. They are both growing up so fast and I don't think they have any idea what is in store for them with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow!
11/20/05    Lucas figured out (FINALLY) how to get from all 4's to sitting. This should make all of our lives easier! Hopefully no more getting stuck on our tummies. Soph still hasn't figured it out (that we know of), but that's because she doesn't have time to sit. She's too busy crawling and getting into everything, as well as pulling up and standing on everything. Lucas too has figured out how to pull up on everything, including the coffee table and the couch. Now we really have to watch them closely! Lucas had his first head bump this evening, but he's a tough cookie, so I think all is ok. Both babies' new favorite pastime is making as much noise as possible. They love to bang blocks and toys together, and bang things on the table, the floor, etc. They both hold one hand out with something (Lucas holds his right hand still, Soph holds her left) and then swings the other around and around with something in it to bang onthe other one. SO CUTE! They have really started playing together too, and love to talk to eachother. They think the other is the most hysterical thing in the world. I think they are telling jokes or something judging from the way they belly laugh when the other talks.
Both babies were sick this weekend (stuffy noses and all around feeling yucky) and were up about every hour last night, so here's hoping for a better night tonight! We're gearing up for Thanksgiving here in Memphis with Nana and Papa George, and also for the babies' first birthdays! I can't believe it's been that long!
11/15/05    Well, obviously from the pictures, you can tell that Sophia got her glasses today. She is sporting her brand new disney glasses and is actually doing ok with them. She doesnt' try to pull them off her face unless she realized they are there, like when she falls on them, or when Lucas tries to pull them off and chew on them. She can see me from across the room now, which is really fun. All she ever talks about is "Dada Dada", but that's ok, cause she said Mama first... :) Lucas has figured out how to get from sitting to crawling, so he is moving around that way, and he pivots while sitting, so that's enjoyable too. He also pulled completely up for the first time all by himself. He used the walker, and is now working on the coffee table and other things too! They are all over the place and are having a ball playing together. It's so much fun to watch!
11/10/05   Since I last wrote, the babies turned 11 months old (on November 8th). Can you believe it? Sophia started saying Dada the other day and is crawling everywhere and getting into EVERYTHING! She is pulling up all over the place and is crawling over everything too. Lucas is up on all 4's and rocking. He goes backwards sometimes, and I believe took his first "step" in forward crawling the other day. He too is pulling up on everything. I finally got teething covers for the crib rails, and none too soon! We are getting ready for the babies' first birthday, which for a while there, we weren't sure would ever come. We are very blessed that they are so healthy and doing so well.
Oh, also, they got their RSV shots today and Lucas weighs 26 lbs. and Sophia is 20 lbs. Growing like weeds!
11/1/05     Well, we've been in Indianapolis for the last week for my sister's wedding, which was beautiful. The babies were the ring bearer and flower girl. This week, Soph has mastered pulling herself up on everything and anything that will hold still long enough. She just jumps up and gets her feet under her almost immediately. She almost completely crawled onto the stool in the pictures. She is sitting indefinately, finally, although most of the time is much too busy to sit still. She figured out alternating legs and hands and is officially crawling EVERYWHERE. Baby gates and everything! Lucas is getting up on his hands and knees too. He is so proud of himself when he does it too! What a cutie! He has learned the sign for "food" and does it at mealtime and when he is hungry (mostly for puffs) which is most of the time :) They dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 for Halloween, which we felt was appropriate, since in the Cat and the Hat, they always did just the opposite of what they were supposed to do. Both have two teeth completely in and Lucas is working on a third. They tried lots of new things this week, including Pumpkin pie! Yum Yum! I'm sure I am forgetting a million things they are doing, they just grow up so fast!

Posted by our3babies at 10:01 PM CST
Saturday, 1 October 2005
October 2005 blog
10/19/05    Update! Sophia now has 2 teeth! They broke through sometime in the past 24-36 hours. Her bottom left one is totally through and the bottom right one is partially through. She is still putting everythign she can in her mouth and isn't too thrilled about letting us look in her mouth. She also learned to play peek a boo today by pulling the cloth off her head when we cover it and call for her. Lucas did this a while ago, and we think Soph wasn't as interested because she couldn't see as well, but she really got into it today! She was laughing and giggling when Will played with her. What fun! Lucas is starting to pull his legs up under him to get into crawling position! He also has finally found his feet and loves to chew on them and hold them. We're on our way now!
10/15/05   Well,as you can see from the pictures, we are working on pulling up on EVERYTHING! Soph has really got the hang of it, and she crawls up to me, toys, her brother, the dog, etc. and tries to pull up. She has figured out pretty much hnow to get to her knees, and she's figuring out how to get her feet under her too. She loves to stand behind the walker and just look around and hold on. She's so big! Lucas is sitting so well and he is working on pulling up too. He's rolling all over the place and playing games with Sophia. He loves to hear her talk and he giggles everytime she does. They like to talk and laugh together, and all goes great until one of them decides that the other's head will taste good, or that hair is for pulling and then the screaming begins... They are both growing up so fast and it's crazy to see how much they learn every singe day. They are amazing little ones!
10/7/05     The babies are doing GREAT! We went to the NICU reunion last Saturday and had a really nice time. We saw many of the doctors and nurses that we spent so much time with while the babies were in the hospital. It was fun to see the reactions from them when they saw how BIG our guys are! We also saw several of the families that had babies in the NICU while we did, so it was nice to catch up with them and see how their little ones are growing too! While there, they weighed and measured the kids, and also made handprints of them in play dough. SO much different than the ones from the NICU when they were born! Lucas was 23 lbs. 7 oz. and 27 1/2 inches, and Soph was 18 lbs. 2 oz. and 26 1/2 inches. GEEZ! they are HUGE!
      Sophia is really on the go now, and she loves to scoot up the basket of toys and peek in. Then she grabs whatever toy she wants to play with, and rolls away. She rolls over and over and over now, so she get across the room SO fast. She giggles all the time now and is pretty much happy most of the time unless she gets herself stuck, like under the bouncy chair or the coffee table. Soph is sitting much better than even last week, and she seems to really like it, although she would rather be moving.
     Lucas is also pretty happy most of the time, although he isn't as mobile yet. Our developmental therapist discovered a new game with Lucas. She got down on her tummy while he was doing tummy time, then lifts herself up and says UP! Then puts her head on the floor and says DOWN! and Lucas mimics what she does. He got a big kick out of it, and he has played it with Will and I since then! What a cutie! He now has two teeth and is still chewing on EVERYTHING!
       They are so cute and we are sooo blessed. 

Posted by our3babies at 9:59 PM CDT
Thursday, 1 September 2005
September 2005 blog
9/27/05    Since the last time I wrote, Soph has said "Mama" and has continued to babble. Mostly, she loves to talk in the morning and at mealtimes. She has also figured out how to spin herself around on the floor and rotate in circles to get to toys, bouncy chairs, us, etc. She is seeing better because when I come and sit in her eyesight on the floor, she turns and starts to move towards me! So Cute! She has also started to pull up on things, although she isn't really strong enough just yet to do it on her own. 
            Lucas' first tooth finally came through yesterday and he's in a much better mood now, although it looks as though the next one is well on it's way. He loves to bang on the keyboard while I type, and has figured out how to kick his legs and bounce in his bouncy chair. Both babies are starting to finger feed themselves, and Lucas has realized that when his hand goes out and picks up something, and then goes to his mouth, he gets food. So now randomly, he'll thow his arm out and then bang himself in the mouth several times in a row as if he is feeding himself. It's funny to watch, but maybe he's signing that's he's hungry... I don't know yet. Anyway, they are totally adorable and doing so many new things!
9/16/05     Update!!!! Ok, not much to report except that Sophia started babbling today! She blows raspberries and then says "Babababa"! Yeah Sophia!
9/13/05    Ok, so I haven't been as diligent as I would like to on documenting the milestones... but Yesterday, Sophie had her first crawls! She finally figured it out, after working and working for what seemed like weeks. She crawled about 4 times in a row, forward! Lucas has figured out how to roll both ways, and he pushes up and has started pulling his knees under him a bit, although not near crawling yet. But , he;s got a lot more weight to drag around! Both babies have figured out the sippy cups and love to drink out of them. I think it makes them feel independant. Every time i get them out, they grab them out of my hand and start drinking. They have both also figured out "uppy." When we put out hands out to them while they are lying down, they will raise both arms to be picked up.
Now, for the other big news. The babies had their 9 month check up today (yes, they really are 9 months). Lucas weighed in at 22 lbs even and Sophie is 17 lbs. 9 oz. Lucas is 27 inches long and Soph is 26. The doctor came in asking "What are you feeding these childre?" She is VERY pleased with their growth and developmental progress, and she kept reminding me that they should only be about 6 months old. They are cleared to eat table food now in small pieces, so goodbye to the nasty baby food! Well, ok, they still have to eat some, but we can at least try new things! We're starting snacks like wagon wheels and cheerios, and we can cut up small pieces of food that can be mashed, like fruit and veggies!
They are growing up SO fast I can't believe it. They smile and laugh and play games now, and it seriously just seems like it happened overnight.

Posted by our3babies at 9:58 PM CDT
Monday, 1 August 2005
August 2005 blog
8/26/05    Geez, what AREN'T they doing? Soph is rolling back and forth all the time, and has figured out how to get up on all fours for short periods of time. Lucas is working on rolling back and forth, and gets so proud of himself when he does it. They sit for short periods of time, but prefer standing and are starting to take steps when we provide the balance. They are starting to understand their names, and they look at us when we say them. They both love their new high chairs and are eating like CRAZY! They go through about 3-5 packs of food EACH a day, which is about 7.5 - 12.5 oz. each. They also drink a ton of formula... at night, they each drink about 10-11 oz. in their last feeding of the day. No wonder they have HUGE thighs!
    They are doing all sorts of cute things too. Soph loves to smile when you smile at her, and she LOVES getting and giving kisses. She absolutely lights up when she gets them and tries to put her mouth on your face or mouth to give them back. Then she grins like she is SO proud of herself! Lucas loves to flirt and interact. He plays games, like hiding under things. I had him lying in my bed while I was getting dressed this morning and he kept pulling hte pillow over his face, then peeking out and grinning at me! What a ham!
They are so sweet and we are having a blast learning new things every day!  
8/18/05    Soph has finally mastered rolling from her back to her tummy. It's been a very slow and tedious process,but she has finally gotten the hang of it and is LOVING it! She rolls from her back to her tummy, then pulls her knees up under her and scoots forward to get to toys. Lucas can get his leg over, but then hasn't quite figured out how to pull his shoulder over too. He also scoots when he gets on his tummy. Looks like it's time to baby proof the house!  They are both laughing all the time and are mimicking sounds. According to our home scale, Lucas is 20 lbs and Soph is 15.5 lbs. They are growing so fast!
8/13/05    Lucas and Sophia are doing really well. We got back last weekend from our trip to Delaware and Pennsylvania where the babies met many old friends and many of Will's relatives. They did really well with the flights and with the traveling too! We found out that both babies will probably be in glasses soon, which we had hoped they wouldn't, but there are far worse things! I am going to get my eyes checked and get an updated prescription and switch from contacts to glasses too so we can all wear glasses. Soph may need to do some patching because she is relying on one eye more than the other, but it is pretty much a cosmetic thing at this point! We can live with that. Other than that, Lucas weighs about 19 lbs and Soph is probably around 15 or 16. We go back to the pediatrician in September and will give an official weight then! Check out the new pictures, they are adorable!

Posted by our3babies at 9:56 PM CDT
Friday, 1 July 2005
July 2005 post
7/28/05    The babies are doing great! Since I last wrote an update, we have traveled to Indianapolis, which they did really well with. They both enjoyed seeing Nana and Papa George again, and they did much better in the car this time. They are both moving around, and have discovered how to pull their legs up under them and push their bodies forward like little inchworms. It's sooo cute! Also, they have discovered the wonderful world of blowing raspberries. It is really cute to watch, EXCEPT at mealtime, which happens to be their favorite time to do it. They take a spoonful of food, and then blow with their lips together and spray it everywhere. Then they both laugh and giggle. I try to so hard not to laugh because i don't want to encourage it, but when they both get going and then they smile that "aren't I cute" smile afterwards, it's so hard not to crack a smile too. They laugh at eachother now too. I don't know what I am going to do with these two. They are definitely going to be teaming up on me soon enough!
7/11/05     WELL, IT DIDN'T TAKE LONG.... LUCAS ROLLED TODAY BY HIMSELF! They are doing such fun things! Today was a very big day for us. Lucas rolled by himself for the first time, and both babies worked on sitting by themselves (check out the pictures!). Also, we recieved a present from Yaya (Grandma Barbara). Inside, were some adorable clothes in a plastic bag. While Will and I were admiring the clothes, Lucas grabbed a hold of the plastic bag and started belly laughing. He had such a great time making the plastic crackle. He giggled for about 5 minutes. We then took the bag over to Sophie and she started to belly laugh too! We hadn't heard them laugh like that before, and the best part is... We got it all on videotape! They are so adorable!

Posted by our3babies at 9:55 PM CDT
Wednesday, 1 June 2005
June 2005 Blog
6/30/05    SOPHIE ROLLED OVER BY HERSELF TODAY!!! TWICE SO FAR! They are growing by leaps and bounds every day. Soph is standing on her own and pulling up to get there. She stands for well over 10 seconds when she gets up and locks her knees. She always looks so proud of herself every time she does it too! Lucas is really figuring out how to communicate and is doing soooo well with eating. He really likes to eat from the spoon now an d will be starting baby food probably next week! He is working on pushing up, but he has a bigger head, so it's harder! He's so expressive and interested in studying faces. Soph is eating well too and also will try baby food soon! They are both such miraces and are learning new things every day! Pictures are going up almost daily because they are learning so many new things!
6/21/05    The babies had their 6 month doctor appointment today. Lucas is 15 lbs and Sophie is 13! WOW! Lucas is 24 inches long and Sophie is 23. The doctor said they look great and are really catching up fast for their actual age. They are doing MOST of the skills for 6 month olds, although some of their motor skills like rolling over on thier own and sitting up alone are a bit delayed. But truly, they are ahead since they should only be 2 1/2 months old! They are really developing great personalities and are so much fun to be around. They laugh and smile when you make faces at them, and they are starting  to mimic facial expressions. They also like to play games and they LOVE music and dancing. They recognize us and smile at us all the time. They are eating betweein 6 and 8 ounces of formula a feeding and have been cleared to have rice cereal and begin baby food whenever they are comfortable with the spoon! They are growing up soooo fast!

Posted by our3babies at 9:53 PM CDT
Sunday, 1 May 2005
May 2005 Blog
5/23/05   The babies are doing really well. They are drinking 5-6 oz. of formula each feeding and are only waking up once a night now! They are active during the day and love to go for walks and play on the floor. Soph has pretty much figured out pushing up and is still working on rolling. She is so determined to get it down and loves tummy time and working out. Lucas likes tummy time too because he likes to fall asleep... He is much more laid back that Soph and is so easy going. They are both working on communicating and like to "talk" to us and their toys and also to themselves in the mirror. They both have the cutest habit of touching and rubbing our hands and arms while we hold the bottle for them. They also like to hold our fingers while we feed them. The both also knead their fingers (like cats!) on our shirts when they lie on our chests to fall asleep. It is so sweet!
    Soph is still off oxygen and Lucas is off 20 hours a day. Pretty soon to be off altogether! Way to go babies!
5/1/05     Ok, so much for the weekly updates! Things have just been crazy around here! The babies are doing well. Soph recovered amazingly from the eye surgery and is on her way into remission for the ROP eye problems. She has another eye appt. tomorrow and it will hopefully be her last for two months or so. Lucas is in remission for ROP and doesn't have to be seen for two months, and then 4 after that if everything is ok. Both babies are going to start developmental and physical therapy to help get them caught up to their chronological age, even though they only should be a month old right now. Soph is trying desperately to roll over, and she loves to exercise and play games. She loves songs and making silly faces at us. Lucas loves to look around the room and is beginning to grab onto things, like the rattle in his pictures. They both are communicating with us and eachother. They have a toy zebra that they "talk to" also. We are finally getting some nice weather, so we have been out for many walks already, and they really like that. The pediatrician has taken Soph off all her meds except her vitamin because she is off oxygen! Lucas is weaning down and will be off his meds at the end of May. We're hoping he will also be off oxygen by then too. Ok, are you ready for this???? As of last week, Sophie weighed 9 lb. 2 oz and Lucas weighed 10 lb. 8 oz!!!! Not bad for  a 1 lb 9 oz and 1 lb 11 oz start! They are so big and gorgeous. We couldn't be more proud. Keep a lookout for new pictures!

Posted by our3babies at 9:51 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 January 2008 9:53 PM CST
Friday, 1 April 2005
April 2005 Blog
4/5/05     Sophie had to have the laser eye surgery today at LeBonheur (where she had her stroke) so needless to say, it has been a scary and crazy day. The good news is, she did fine and should be discharged to come home tomorrow. She went under anesthesia and had to go on the ventilator during the surgery, but went back off immediately and is back to where she was on the oxygen cannula. She was waking up when I left the hospital and she recognized my voice.
             Lucas is doing well now that he is home. I think Sophie keeps him awake at night, but he seems to be recovering during the day. He is such a punkin! They are so cute together, and have really "found" eachother. Whenever we place them near eachother, they move closer until they are touching. They touch hands, then move closer, usually until their heads are touching! Silly babies!

Posted by our3babies at 9:50 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 January 2008 9:53 PM CST
Tuesday, 1 March 2005
March 2005 Blog
3/26/05      For those of you who keep updated by this site, I apologize for the missing days. Sophie came home last Monday, on March 21, 2005, an things have been a little hectic around here since then .The basics are as follows. Sophie is Home! She wasn't sleeping much throughout the night, but actually slept from 12:30am-3:30am, then again from 4:30-6:30am. She just woke up for the feeding! She is 6 lb. 3 oz as of Wednesday when the traveling nurse came to see us. She is still on just a bit of oxygen, and we have her on her cannula at home. She is so sweet! Between Will, my mom, and me, she spends most of her time sleeping on someone's chest! She had an eye appointment friday and they are still pretty sure she won't need the laser surgery.
         Lucas is 7 lb. 2 oz as of today (what a chunk!) He is finishing all of his bottles and we are expecting him to come home on Monday, 3/28/05. We are so excited he will be home! He'll also be on oxygen, but he has significantly decreased in what he needs since last week. He also had an eye appointment and they decided not to do a touch up laser surgery. He's doing very well! I will continue to update the pictures, so keep checking, but i may only be able to update the website once a week or so after they are both home. It's a busy life, and we are LOVING it!
3/17/05     We got news that Sophie will probably stay in the hospital until next Wednesday at least. She has been doing great off her oxygen, but they want to monitor her for a few days to make sure she continues to do well. GRRRRR.... She is doing fine though, and took 20 cc's from breastfeeding today, and then finished her feeding by bottle.
                Lucas is even better today. He has taken every bottle since 8PM last night and has been doing well with them. He got bumped up to 70 cc's a feeding. I snuggled with him for a long time today and he really seemed to enjoy it. I can't wait to snuggle him at home without all the wires!
3/16/05     Lucas is doing much better today and is taking more bottles. He finished 3 and took about 3/4 of a fourth bottle today. He is more active and keeps looking around with this inquisitive look on his face. What a cutie! He weighs 6 lb. 5 oz. and got a bath today.
                 Sophie decided today that she no longer wants to have supplementaloxygen. Her saturation level was high, so they took her off the cannula, and she did fine! Cechk out the pictures! She weighed in at 5 lb 8 oz and is still taking all of her bottles. She has been bumped up to 68 cc's every feeding, and she is doing a great job of drinking it all. She got a bath today and peed on the nurse afterwards!
3/15/05     Sophie finished all of her bottles again today and is still on just a bit of oxygen.  She was very alert today! I gave her a bath and she didn't overly enjoy it, but did ok. She made all sorts of funny faces at me while i was bathing her. She weighed in at 5 lb 5 oz again today. She is so beautiful!
                 Lucas weighed in at 6 lb 3 oz today and I have never seen him so awake! I gave him a bath too, and then tried him with the bottle. He didn't finish it, but most of it. While i was tube feeding him, he opened his eyes soooo wide and just stared at me. He kept looking around the room, so when he was finished eating, I turned him around so he could see the room. He would look around for a while, then look up at me, then look around again. The nurses kept walking by and laughing at how big his eyes were and saying he was nosy by staring at everyone. I tried to get him to fall asleep while I held him, but he just kept staring, so I finally had to put him to bed so he could get some sleep. What a cutie! 
3/14/05     Lucas is getting better every day. He had a slow day with the bottles, decided to tube feed most of the day instead. I got to do kangaroo care with him during his lunch though. He weighs 5 lb. 15 oz. He was down on his oxygen as well. The Physical Therapist was impressed by the fact that he is already tracking again with his eyes, even this soon after his surgery. Nice work Lucas!
                 Sophie weighed 5 lb 5 oz today and is still taking every bottle. The doctor told me today that if, at her eye exam on Wednesday, it looks like she won't need laser surgery too, she will probably be going home at the end of the week! We are praying she won't need the surgery. We don't want her to have to go through that too, plus, we want her home!
3/13/05     Sophie is doing well today. She weighs 5 lb 3 oz and finished all of her bottles again. She is awake much more now than she used to be, and spends a lot of time looking around and sucking on her pacifier. She has really learned how to scream, and many times can only be comforted by someone picking her up and cuddling her.
                  Lucas weighs 5 lb 13 oz and is doing better after his eye surgery. He has more energy and finished a bottle last night, this morning, and this afternoon. He's starting to get back in the swing of things, although his eyes are still pretty red. He too loves to be held and snuggled, and we don't mind at all!
3/12/05     Lucas's eyes are looking a bit better today, although they are still swollen. He is still taking his feedings via tube because he is still very tired and stressed from the procedure. He will probably begin bottle feeding some again tomorrow. He weighed in at 5 lb. 15 oz, but we are pretty sure he is retaining some fluid, which they have prescribed meds for. He is still opening his eyes for us, and enjoys cuddling with us when we visit.
                  Sophie passed her hearing test yesterday and continues to finish all of her bottles. She got bumped up to 60 cc's every feeding, which is also where Lucas is! She weighed in at 5 lb. 3 oz. Dr. Hamlett said that if she continues to do well with her feedings and passes her eye exam this week, she will probably be able to go home sometime this week or next!
3/11/05      Sophie is still finishing all of her bottles and they have removed her feeding tube. She finished bottle # 10 in a row today at noon, and she was bumped up to 58 cc's each feeding. She also passed her hearing test today. She is still on just a tiny bit of oxygen, but they are hoping she will wean off of that soon. She has to have her eyes checked next week to determine if she will need laser surgery too.
                 Lucas is doing better today. His eyes are swollen, which is normal, but he is more active and alert. He was sucking very intently on his pacifier, so we tried him witha bottle,but he wasn't quite ready yet. He is still tube feeding, and doing well. He is on .1 oxygen on his cannula, which is not very much at all. He is eating 60 cc's of milk every feeding.
3/10/05      Lucas had a very rough day today. He had to have laser eye surgery to correct his retinopothy of prematurity. Essentially, because his eyes weren't completely formed when he was born, his eyes started to form excessive blood vessels which would have eventually detached his retina causing blindness. He underwent laser surgery to burn those areas where the blood vessels were forming to stop them. He did alright  through the procedure, although he fought the doctor the entire time. He had a few apneas, but did not have to go back on the CPAP or ventilator. He was exhausted though. He weighed 5 lb 12 oz.
                 Sophie apparantly figured out the bottle. She took ALL of her feedings today by bottle, and finished all of them. She weighed in at 4 lb 15 oz. She is getting very big and finally is getting some baby fat. She is soooo cute!
3/9/05        Sophie breastfed some today! We tried her for the first time and she took probably 30-35 cc's (definitely 25, we weighed her, but then she took more afterwards). She weighs 4 lb 15.8 oz. She is still doing well and is so sweet. She loves to cuddle!
                   Lucas weighs 5 lb. 9 oz and tried to breastfeed, but didn't quite get the hang of it yet. He'll figure it out though. He finished his bottle this morning at 8am. He had a heart rate drop this morning, but hasn't had any apnea! 
3/8/05        The babies are 3 months old today! Lucas weighs 5 lb. 8 oz and had a slow day with the bottles. He finished two. He slept really well all day though. He did well with Physical therapy and has gotten much more expressive with his facial expressions.
                  Soph weighs 4 lb. 13 oz and also finished two bottles today. She slept through her physical therapy! Neither baby has had an apnea or heart rate drop in 4 days.
3/7/05        Soph weighed 4 lb. 11 oz today and finished two bottles while i was there (one at 8 am and one at noon). She got a bath too and really enjoyed it! She is getting more and more expressive, and as her face fills out, she is starting to look more like Lucas!
                  Lucas weighed 5 lb. 7 oz today and also finished two bottles. He spit up a lot on the nurse as she tried to burp him after his first bottle, but he kept all of it down when I fed him and burped him at noon. Both babies will be getting hearing screens either today or tomorrow. One more thing checked off that they have to do before they go home!
3/6/05         Lucas weighed in at 5 lb. 5 oz today. He only got to try bottle feeding twice because he had to get some blood, but he finished his bottle both times. I got to snuggle him while he ate through the tube though. He looked much better after he recieved his transfusion, much more pink and happy.
                    Soph weighed in at 4 lb. 10 oz and finished three bottles and almost finished a fourth. She is doing very well, still at the bare minimum on her oxygen.
3/5/05        Sophie finished two of her bottles today and almost finished another. She got to kangaroo care with Will today and she LOVED it! she fell into a really deep sleep and just cuddled and cuddled him. She weighed in at 4 lb. 9 oz today.
                    Lucas finished three of his bottles today. He tried to kangaroo care with me, but he was VERY fussy. He rooted for a while, and was just all around whiny..... until he went to the bathroom. Then he calmed right down and fell asleep. He weighed in at 5 lb 3 oz.
3/4/05               The babies have moved to the neonatal Continuing Care Unit (NCCU)! This is such a big step for them. It is the step between the hospital and home. They are doing really well over there. They moved at about 4:30PM yesterday, so when Will and I went back to feed them at 8, they had a new location! They are now wearing apnea belts to monitor any periods where they stop breathing, and their Sat monitors to measure their oxygen saturation. They also still have their nasal cannulas and feeding tubes.
                        Lucas is on about .1 on his cannula and is eating 56 cc's of breast milk every 4 hours. He finished his bottle last night at 8, drank about 45 cc's of it at midnight, and finished it again today at noon. He weighs 5 lb. 5 oz.
                        Sophie is eating 47 cc's of milk and finished her bottle last night at 8, and also at midnight. She drank about 1/2 today at noon, but would have finished it if i could have gotten a burp out of her. She weighs 4 lb. 9 oz. I was able to do kangaroo care with her today, and we are looking forward to Will's first kangaroo experience this weekend!
3/3/05               Sophie weighed in at 4 lb. 7 oz today and finished about 22 cc's of her bottle at lunch time. She is still barely on ooxygen, and was quite sleepy today. She did very well with her physical therapy while i was there.
                          Lucas finished about 25 cc's of his bottle, but he finished his bottle completely last night and also this morning at 4 AM. He was very sleepy also and I got to cuddle him for a while after he ate. He weighed in at 5 lb. 2 oz.
3/2/05              Lucas weighed 5 lb. 2 oz today and was switched from the hood to the nasal cannula yesterday afternoon. He is on about .175 on that. He is doing very well and finished his bottle in about 20 minutes last night (hungry boy!). Orders have been written to move both babies to the Continuing Care unit, so hopefully sometime soon, a double room will open up over there so they can go together.
                         Sophie weighed in at 4 lb. 5 oz and is still barely on the nasal cannula. She finished her bottle in about 15 minutes last night, including burping time! She ate about 35 cc's from her bottle at noon today, and we are going to try her again on the bottle at 8 tonight. While she was eating last night, I was feeding Lucas and I was talking to the nurse who was feeding her. We were laughing because every time I started talking, Sophie would open her eyes and look around. When I would stop takling, she would close them again and focus on eating. She opened her eyes about 4 different times when i was talking.... Guess she knows her mama's voice!
3/1/05              Sophie is still on just bubbles of oxygen and is doing well. She weighed 4 lb. 2 oz today. I did not try to bottle feed her at lunch time because she had to get an IV so she could get some blood, and she was pretty worn from that. I did hold her while she ate though, and she seemed to enjoy it. She has recieved orders that she can be transferred to the Continuing Care unit, but they are going to keep her in the NICU until Lucas gets closer to being transferred so they can stay together. Sophie also got orders that she can be bottle fed as often as she tolerates it.
                         Lucas is still on 35-40% oxygen and is doing well. He finished his bottle last night and weighed in at 5 lb. 1 oz today. I snuggled Lucas (kangaroo care) while he ate and he refused to calm down until I put him at my breast. Guess he knows where he is supposed to be when he eats! He was wide awake and very expressive while I was there, and he tucked well and cuddled like a Pro!

Posted by our3babies at 9:46 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 January 2008 9:49 PM CST
Tuesday, 1 February 2005
February 2005 Blog
2/28/05           Lucas hit 5 lbs today!!!!! He is still on between 35-40% oxygen under his hood. I did kangaroo care with Lucas today while he ate lunch, and he did a great job of snuggling on my chest and tucking. He is so sweet!
                         Soph weighed in at 4 lb. 1.9oz. She was given orders that she could bottle feed twice a day so I tried feeding her at lunch time. She ate about 1/2 the bottle (20 cc's) and then pooped out. When i put her back to bed, she fussed and fussed. I decided she had air in her tummy, so i picked her back up and patted her. She let out a HUGE burp and then immediately fell asleep. All is right with the world now!
2/27/05          Soph weighed in at 4 lb. 1 oz and is still on the nasal cannula (barely). She finished her bottle today with just help from Daddy, and she even held the bottle for him for a while! What a cutie! I did kangaroo care with Soph earlier in the day and she actually latched on to my breast and started sucking. She is making really big steps!
                       Lucas weighe din at 4 lb. 12 oz. and is on about 35-40% oxygen. He finished his entire bottle with just help from me! Even down the the very last drop and he was still sucking afterwards! He was very alert today and stared for a long time at me and his toys. He is getting more coordinated and can reach out and grab things (like his feeding tube which he still likes to pull out!)
2/26/05         Lucas was on about 35% oxygen today and weighed in at 4 lb. 14 oz. He took his whole bottle today, with a little help from one of the nurses. She gave Will and I tips on how to feed preemies, and it really helped! Lucas got to meet Aunt Malinda for the first time today, and check out the cute pix of her holding him!
                     Sophie weighed in at 3lb 14 oz. and is still on the minimum amount of oxygen available. She finished her bottle too! The nurses are going to recommend that she tries the bottle more than once a day because she is doing so well with it and is on so little oxygen. Soph met Aunt Malinda too, and finally got a chance to wear her own clothes. Soooo cute!
2/25/05         I did kangaroo care with Sophie again today for over an hour. The physical therapist said she is still having some problems "tucking" like newborns should, so cuddling seems to help. She snuggled right up and tucked well for over an hour. Sophie weighed in at 4 lbs today! She is still on the nasal cannula with the minimum amount of oxygen.
                      Lucas is on about 38% oxygen and weighed in at 4 lb 12 oz today. He was wide awake this morning and stared for a long time at me with his huge eyes. He is doing very well with his physical therapy and has gotten better about being held and touched. Will fed him his bottle last night and he took about 25 cc's.
2/24/05         Lucas had to get an injection of a diuretic today, with the hopes that it will dry up some of the liquid in his lungs and he will be able to decrease his oxygen. He is on about 40% oxygen right now, and weighed in at 4 lb. 13 oz last night (extra water weight). He got a bath yesterday, so he was very tired when it was bottle time last night. He only ate about 16 cc's from his bottle before he fell asleep. Not too bad though!
                      Sophie weighed in at 3 lb. 13 oz today and WOW was she hungry last night. Will must have had the magic touch, because he got Soph to eat 28 cc's from her bottle. That's the record so far! I held both babies while they ate their lunch today, and Soph really stared at me for a long time. The nurses say she is beginning to really study faces when she is awake, and they are convinced she knows mommy and daddy!
2/23/05         Sophie and I got to snuggle for over 2 hours today! She only drank about 10 cc's from her bottle last night because the nurse gave her a bath right before she tried, so she was VERY sleepy. She weighed in at 3 lb. 14 oz. today and I got to do kangaroo care with her. She did VERY well. She immediately began to fuss and looked for my breast. She latched on and sucked for a while, then fell asleep. She slept that way for over an hour. I then tried to move her so she was lying on my chest and she threw an absolute tantrum! She screamed and cried until I put her back by my breast, at which time she latched on again and fell back asleep for another hour! Nice work Soph!
                    Lucas drank over 20 cc's from his bottle last night and weighed in at 4 lb. 10 oz. He is still eating 50 cc's every 4 hours, and he got a bath this morning. The nurses took pictures because he was so cute! They said he got this unsure look on his face when they put him in the tub, but then relaxed and really enjoyed the bath. They said he leaned back and looked like he was at the spa! What cute pictures for the baby book!
2/22/05         Lucas weighed in at 4 lb. 8 oz today and is eating 50 cc's every 4 hours. He drank about 20 cc's out of his bottle yesterday, so he's learning fast! He is regulating his temperature so well that he doesn't even need a blanket anymore, just his cute little outfit! He is on about 35% oxygen under his hood.
                      Sophie is 3 lb. 12 oz today and eats 40 cc's every 4 hours. She also ate about 20 cc's from her bottle last night, so she's trying to keep up with Lucas. Today, they tried Sophie on room air and she is doing really well! She no longer has additional oxygen (except for a small boost after she eats)! She is so beautiful now that we don't have to look at her through the plastic hood! She had a bone scan yesterday and it showed no signs of fractures or breaks (they were concerned because her bones look brittle from being on the fluid and not milk for so long when she was smaller).
2/21/05        Sophie had a HUGE day today! She got transferred to a "big girl bed", meaning she is in a crib now and gets to wear clothes. I got to put her first outfit on her, which was a little pink gown. She did NOT like having clothes put on her, but calmed down after she got her lunch. She weighed in at 3 lb. 11 oz. today and was on about 25% oxygen. She looks so big and grown up in her bed. We are going to feed them by bottle tonight at the 8pm feeding so Will can help too!
                    Lucas weighed in at 4 lb. 7 oz. and is doing well in his crib. He and Sophie both decided it was a good day to be rough on mommy, and pooped after i took their diapers off of them. Good thing I learned early on to put a security diaper on under them before i took the dirty one off! They are so sneaky! Lucas was enthralled with one of his toys and stared intently at it while he ate his lunch.
2/20/05       Lucas weighed in at 4 lb. 5 oz. today and drank 20 cc's from his bottle. He is eating 48 cc's total a feeding, which is 1 2/3 oz. each feeding. He was very awake today and got cuddles from Nana. He was on about 30% oxygen under his hood.
                     Sophie drank 8 cc's from her bottle and weighed in at 3 lb. 10 oz. She got cuddles from Papa George. She is getting soooo big! She is awake alot more than she used to be, and for longer periods of time. Soph is on about 25 % oxygen under her hood.
2/19/05      Sophie weighed in at 3 lb. 9 oz. today and was bumped up to 38 cc's of milk every 4 hours. We were able to try her on the bottle for the first time today and she ate 7 cc's from the bottle. She worked so hard to suck down the milk out of the bottle, but her little mouth just got so tired! We are able to try both Sophie and Lucas on the bottle once a day now until they get the hang of it. Sophie also got some cuddles from Nana for the first time today. Check out the pictures in the album.
                   Lucas weighed 4 lb. 5 oz. and also tried the bottle. He was able to drink about 18 cc's from the bottle, and then fell asleep. He is getting so big! He got cuddles from Papa George and we got some really cute pictures of it too! 
2/18/05      I held Lucas again today because he peed all over his bed and he needed to have to changed. He weighs 4 lb. 4 oz. now and is growing bigger every day! He was very alert and active while i was there, and enjoyed his 48 cc's of milk for lunch. He is so beautiful and has huge eyes. He was on about 30% oxygen.
                   Sophie was also very awake and alert today. She is eating 35 cc's of breast milk each feeding and weighs 3 lb. 7 oz. She is beginning to LOVE her pacifier. She has really gotten the hang of sucking on it, and we are hoping to start trying her with a bottle soon. She was in about 30% oxygen when i got there, but quickly weaned back down to 22%. Go Soph!
2/17/05      Sophie weighs 3 lb. 7 oz. again today, and is doing well. She is at about 21-22% oxygen, so she is very close to coming off the hood and breathing only room air. She was very active today and had another HUGE diaper. Last night, Will got to hold Sophie while she ate her dinner, and we got a family photo as I was holding Lucas. (check out the picture in the album!)
                  Lucas weighs 4 lb. 2 oz again today. He is at about 30% oxygen, so he is down from yesterday, which is good. He was taken off his caffiene today, which is a big step. He was also bumped up to 48 cc's of milk every feeding. He's growing like crazy!
2/16/05      Lucas weighed in at 4 lb. 2 oz today (he broke the 4 lb. mark!). He was on about 37% oxygen while i was there. Above Lucas'  bed is an air duct for the air conditioning, and the nurse was concerned that his temperature was a little low because the cold air was blowing on him, so she built him a little tent out of blankets. He is on his first camping trip! He did very well with his physical therapy today and is still eating 43 cc's of breast milk every 4 hours. I was telling the PT about how Sophie was lying on her tummy yesterday and turned her head completely over, first on her face then to the other side. The PT was very impressed and just as I finished the story, we looked down and Lucas turned his head over in the exact same way. He can't be outdone by his sister!
                   Sophie also did very well with her physical therapy. The PT said she did better than average on some of her stretches and reflexes. Sophie weighs 3 lb. 7 oz. and is only on 21.7% oxygen (21% is room air). She is still under the hood, but only because sometimes she needs a little extra boost of oxygen. She is doing really well and is eating 35 cc's of breast milk every 4 hours.
2/15/05     Sophie weighed in at 3 lb. 6 oz today. She was at about 27% oxygen. She is eating 35 cc's of breast milk every 4 hours. I didn't get to interact much with her today at my noon visit because she and Lucas were waiting to be seen by the eye doctor.
                  Lucas weighed in at 3 lb/ 14 oz and was at about 37% oxygen. He is still under the hood and in his big boy bed. He looks so cute in clothes! He fussed quite a bit while i was there because the nurse was holding their feedings until after they were seen by the eye doctor, so Lucas was HUNGRY! He calmed down some though when I gave him his pacifier. Lucas also got his first bath in a tub today. The nurse told me when I got there for my noon visit that Lucas had spit up, so she gave him his first real bath. She said he didn't really like being placed in the water, but he calmed down and enjoyed being shampooed.
2/14/05    Lucas was at 30% oxygen today and weighed in at 3 lb. 14 oz. He looks so cute in his big boy clothes in the crib. I held him briefly today while the nurse changed his bedding. He seems to be much happier outside of the isolette.
                  Sophie weighed 3 lb. 4 oz today and was in the low 20% in her oxygen. She filled up an entire "big" diaper today, including soiling her bed and blankets. I think she just likes new bedding :). She got a follow up head ultrasound today, but the results won't be in until tomorrow.
2/13/05    I was able to do Kangaroo Care with Sophie today for about 1 1/2 hours. She curled right up on my chest and snuggled in for a nap (pictures!). She took her feeding through the tube while on my chest. I placed her near my breast, and she latched on, but didn't totally get the sucking part down yet. She cuddled back against my chest and fell into a deep sleep (which made ME very sleepy too). I could definitely lose hours and hours in the day just holding these babies. Sophie weighed 3 lb. 5 oz today and was at 24% oxygen.
                Lucas was also doing very well. They were able to turn off the additional heat above his bed, as he is regulating his temperature (with clothes and blankets) in the outside world. He weighed in at 3 lb. 13 oz today and was exhausted from his big day yesterday.
2/12/05     Today was a huge day for Lucas! He was moved from his isolette into a crib (check out the pictures!). In order to regulate his temperature, he gets to wear clothes (preemie clothe are almost too small for him). He is still under the hood and is at about 40% oxygen. Will and I held him for a while today and he did very well with it. He ate out of a bottle, about 20 cc's!
                 Sophie is still doing well. She weighed 3 lb. 5 oz. today, and is at about 27% oxygen under her hood. She is beautiful and screamed and kicked for us today. She calms down though when she hears Will or my voice.
2/11/05     I held Sophie again today! We did kangaroo care for about 1/2 hour. When Ifirst got to the hospital, she was screaming and screaming (hungry!). She calmed down as soon as the nurse placed her on my chest, and fell into a deep sleep while i fed her. She is sooooo sweet! She weighs 3 lb. 3 oz. and was on about 27% oxygen.
                 Lucas is doing well also. He did not need much additional support as he came off his steroids. He is on about 35% oxygen and is still on the hood. He stared at me while i changed his diaper, and he has the largest eyes! He weighs 3 lb. 13.7oz. He is getting more of a personality every day. When i held his legs to change his diaper, he gave me the most evil look! What a cutie!
2/10/05     Lucas is 3 lb. 14.7 oz. today. He was between 27-35% oxygen while i was visiting. He did well with his physical therapy and responded well to my voice. I was able to help with his physical therapy and the therapist said he has been doing very well. He is still recieving breathing treatments to help open his lungs up a bit, but they are really helping (even though he hates them).
                 Sophie is 3 lb. 1 oz and still growing. She is finally filling out some and her tummy doesnt' look so huge anymore. She also did well with her physical therapy and the therapist said she has been much more active the last few days. The therapist asked if i wanted to change her diaper, but i let her do it because she already had gloves on and her hands in there. It was a good thing too, because Sophie decided to poop all over the place after the therapist took off her diaper to wipe her. She had to get all new bed linens, and it turns out that was the second time she had done that today. Hey, when a girl wants new bed linens, she'll do just about anything..... :)
2/9/05       Sophie is 3 lb. 1 oz. today. She is at about 30% on her oxygen levels and is awake much more active. She peeked at me today and started sucking, so i gave her her pacifier and she calmed right down. She pulled out her feeding tube, which is a good sign (she's starting to be very independent!)
                  I was able to do Kangaroo care with lucas today for about 1 1/2 hours! As soon as the nurse set him on my chest, he began rooting. I moved him down to my nipple and he immediately latched on and started sucking! a HUGE step!  He slept peacefully for about 1 1/2 hours in my arms, until i finally had to go home and pump. Apparantly, he threw a fit at midnight last night, so the nurse took him out and bottle fed him (for the first time!). He drank 25 cc's from the bottle. GO LUCAS! He is weighing in at 3 lb. 13 oz.
2/8/05       I held Lucas today!!!!! Today, the babies are 2 months old and I finally got my first chance to hold Lucas. He is so sweet! He weighs 3 lb. 11 oz. He is on really low oxygen settings on his hood (down to 24% for a while!) so the nurse let me hold him while he ate his lunch. He squirmed a bit until the milk hit his tummy, then he fell into a deep sleep. He was albe to maintain his settings outside the isolette for over 15 minutes while i held him! 
                 Sophie hit the 3 lb. mark today for her 2 month birthday! She is also really low on her oxygen settings, about 28%. She was only awake for a few minutes while i was there today,but she opened her eyes long enough to see me. She is so beautiful and sleeps so peacefully.  
2/7/05      Sophie had another good day. Shei still around 28% oxygen on the hood. She is still eating full feedings and was active and awake while I was there. She had the BIGGEST dirty diaper i have ever seen (70 cc's!). She filled up her entire diaper with poop, and it even leaked out the side and onto the covers and bed. Go Sophie! She was awake for a good 20 minutes after i changed her diaper, and she stared at me the entire time. I sang and talked to her and she really focused on me.
                Lucas had another great day. He is down to 28% oxygen on the hood (he's giving Sophie a run for her money!). He also had a good diaper, which means he is getting rid of some of that excess water. He also was awake for a while today, and he has HUGE eyes (the nurses say, "like his mommy") He watched me as well, and crossed his eyes when the mask was brought to his face, meaning he was really focusing on it. They are growing up so fast!
2/6/05      Lucas had a GREAT day today. He was taken off the ventilator and put on the oxygen hood like Sophie is on. He was able to stay on the hood, even through his feeding, although they had to turn his oxygen up a bit. It's hard work digesting and breathing at the same time! Lucas weighed 3 lb. 14 oz. today, but is retaining some water. He is finally getting rid of some of the water in his lungs, so we are hoping this will help him breathe easier.
                Sophie had a good day also! She is at about 28% oxygen, and has had many fewer drops in her oxygen levels under the hood. She is still on full feedings and has started to be more active again. She loves her pacifier!
2/5/05      Sophie is at 2 lb. 14 oz. and is still on full feedings. She was down to 25% oxygen in her hood today, so the nurse let us hold her! She had to wear a nasal cannula, but Will and I were able to hold her for about 15 minutes each. She is so sweet! she just kept looking up at us and then closing her eyes and sleeping. Her oxygen saturation level was 100% the entire time (meaning she really liked it!).
                Lucas is 3 lb. 10 oz. He lost an ounce after a VERY dirty diaper. He is still extremely active and is doing well weaning off the ventilator. He is almost at the point (probably today or early tomorrow) where they will try him back on the CPAP nasal cannula (the big tube thing he was wearing in his week 7 pictures). He is still on full feedings and is doing better now that he is on antibiotics.
2/4/05      Lucas is still at 3 lb. 11 oz and is still eating 40 cc's of fortified breast milk every 4 hours. He is doing above average in his physical therapy, but still has some swelling in his throat. They were able to lower his settings significantly on the ventilator in the last 24 hours, but may not try him off of it immediately because he is starting antibiotics for yet another infection. He is VERY active!
                  Sophie is still on the oxygen hood, and is around 40-50% oxygen today. She is still eating 32 cc's of fortified breast milk every 4 hours. She weighs 2 lb. 14 oz. now and we're hoping she'll break the 3 lb. mark soon! She is not as active in her physical therapy, but may be tired from trying to breathe and digest all that milk! The physical therapist has not noticed any difference between her left and right side activity, which is good, as we are keeping an eye on it due to her brain injury when she had seizures.
2/3/05     Sophie is doing well, shei s still weighing in at 2 lb. 13 oz. They have increased her feedings to 32cc's fortified. She was awake for a long time this afternoon and responded well to touch and sound. She was between 25-30% oxygen (which is almost room air!)
                Lucas had his feedings upped to 40cc's fortified of breast milk. If he can digest that, he will have his pic line removed (his deep IV line) which will decrease his risk of infection. The doctors are giving him steroids to strengthen his lungs and decrease swelling around his vocal cords (from the ventilator tube). Hopefully, this will get him off the ventilator for good! (then we can hold him!)
2/2/05     Lucas is weighing in at 3 lb. 11 oz. and is still on his ventilator, although the settings are gradually being turned down. He is eating 32 cc's of breast milk every 4 hours, plus it's fortified with extra calories. He is active and opens his eyes a lot more than he used to. Today, he was very fussy after the nurse "suctioned" him, so i put my hand on his head and sang to him, and he calmed right down and started breathing regularly again. Just needed some of mama's touch!
                Sophie is weighing in at 2 lb. 13 oz. and growing every day! She is recieving extra oxygen under her hood, which looks like a bubble around her head and upper body. She is only getting about 30% oxygen though, and room air has about 21%, so she is almost off the hood. She still looks tiny compared to Lucas, but is starting to fill out... FINALLY! She is eating 30cc's of breast milk every 4 hours, fortified with extra calories. Soph enjoys her physical therapy and responds to Will's and my voice. She is so beautiful and looks more and more like Will every day!

Posted by our3babies at 9:42 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 January 2008 9:48 PM CST

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