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Gockley Blog archives!
Thursday, 1 June 2006
June 2006 blog
6/28/06 Another milestone! When I left Lucas and Sophia at Occupational Therapy yesterday, They DIDN'T cry!!! As sad as that was for me, I'm glad they are starting to be a little independent, and that they realize that I will ALWAYS come back. My little munchkins... Also, they have started telling me when they are tired. We used to base naptime and nighttime on when they got fussy and rubbed their eyes, etc. But recently, when they get tired, they get our attention and then stand outside the bedroom door. hey, WORKS FOR ME! Soph is starting to run now too, so they are chasing eachother everywhere and laughing the whole time. They have also discovered a deep love of reading, and spend several hours a day reading or being read to. They will actually choose a book over a baby einstein video, which I love, but sometimes I wish I had the extra 10 minutes of video time. Happy 4th of July to everyone. My parents are coming down to visit, so bring on the cookouts and fun! 6/26/06 Another weekend over, and another Mother's Day Out beginning. I have so many things to do around here that I am exhuasted just thinking about it, and the day hasn't even started yet! The kids have figured out how to do several "requests" in a row now (development calls them "demands" but we prefer the nicer version). So if I say, "Sophia, put your bottle down and go get your bunny", SHE DOES IT!!! Wait, did you hear me? They do what we tell them to do!!! I know it's going to be short lived, so I am celebrating now, while I can. Sophia wiggles her tongue back and forth now to make the "babababa" sound (the sound she used to make by rubbing her hand over her lips), and Lucas has FINALLY figured out how to snort like a piggy like Soph does. He's been working on it for weeks now. Both are throwing overhand, which is a great skill, however it isn't so nice when they are throwing bottles/ food/ heavy toys/ etc. I guess we take the good with the bad on that one. All right, gotta go maximize my "free" time if I am going to get anything done today. Have a great one! 6/23/06 Well, we had a busy day yesterday. It started out normal enough ,but then we had physical therapy, which went REALLY well (both kids cooperated, and Sophia has started playing on the tilt board, playing on the gym ball and throwing overhand! Lucas rides the tild board like a surf board and is RUNNING and CLIMBING everywhere!). When Dada got home, we had dinner and then went on an outing to Baskin Robbins to celebrate! We loaded the kids in the back of the Expedition (once we parked safely in the parking lot, of course) and we sat with the tailgate up and enjoyed ice cream on a hot summer evening! They LOVED it and mama got her Wold Class chocolate fix. While we were driving home, it started raining, which was odd because because it was sunny and about 95 degrees outside. So we parked in the driveway and let the kids enjoy their first summer rainstorm. They couldn't quite figure out the drops at first (although theyboth made the sign in sign language for rain). Then they splashed in the puddles and played in the "stream" that ran in front of the driveway. Check out the pictures, they are so cute! Overall, a productive day and we're looking forward to another one today. Oh, also, Sophia got pigtails yesterday, but Lucas kept pulling them out, so we settled for a "Pebbles - style" ponytail.
6/21/06 And we're sharing!!! What??? I know, I was surprised too. Today at lunchtime, each kid had a spoon, and Sophia kept handing hers to Lucas. He would play with both, then a few seconds later, Soph would say "Uh" and point at the spoon. Lucas would then hand the spoon back to her. They did this several times, and then I started praising them for sharing, at which time they both started to give the other their spoon (hey, anything to get a little cheer and attention). They proceeded to play this game all through mealtime, which of course made spoonfeeding a bit difficult. They started to share food too, although I think it's mostly stuff they don't want. When we clap for Lucas for doing something well, he now throws his hands up in the air and waves them up and down like he wants the crowd to get louder. One can never get enough cheering for themselves.... Sophia has become every MORe affectioniate (is this even possible?). She always gives everyone she knows kisses and hugs,and constantly wants to be sitting in my or Will's lap. She just crawls on up and turns around and sits down, sometimes right on top of the new baby if I'm not careful! So I attempted to see the future today. I got out the triplet stroller and figured out how to put two big seats and one infant carrier in it. Wow, if I wasn't overwhelmed before...... Should be an adventure!
6/18/06 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! We are having an eventful Father's day today. We had chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, and then we went to the park, where Dada and I spent quitea bit of time chasing the two monkeys around. They both LOVE the slide and to climb all over the equipment. Lucas cried when we had to leave, but it was getting ready to rain, and it broke loose shortly after we got in the car. We made a picture frame for Dada for Father's day with the babies' hand and footprints. Last year, we were able to fit them in much smaller spots in the collage frame. This year, we literally had to get 5x7 openings to fit each footprint and handprint. THEY ARE HUGE! Well, Soph had to go back to the doctor for a shot of stronger antibiotics to clear up the ear infections. She seems to be feeling better now though. It's been a rough go this time with the ear infections, plus they got a cold on top of it. We've almost perfected the art of somersaults, and they both are climbing everything they can. We've worked really hard to get them to SIT on the couch, which has actually been pretty successful, although they still want to jump and walk across it. We played in the pool while Nana was here this week and it turns out, Lucas LOVES to be splashed, and Soph is slow to warm up to the idea of the pool, but then doesn't want to get out. They are learning so many new things every single day it's hard to keep up. Also, at the doctor, Soph is now 24 1/2 lbs and Lucas is just over 29 lbs. Will update again soon. Check out the new pictures! 6/14/06 We're sleeping through the night again! Go team! The kids seem to feel much better now that we have the ear infections under control again. They are really getting the hang of sign language, and they understand SO many things, things that I don't even remember teaching them. For example, when they stand on the couch, which they love to do, I usually tell them to sit down and they do. But today, I said put your bottom on the couch and they did! I know it's the same thing, but the words sound different, so I was impressed. They are also helping me clean up now, which is nice. Since my tummy is getting larger by the day, I've decided that it's getting to be quite a strain to pick up my 28 lb. son and hike him essentially above my head to put him in our beast of a car (Expedition). So we have been working on getting him to climb into his seat. We got him a stepstool with two little fold up steps we keep in the backseat, and ti took about two tries for him to figure it out. He now climbs right up, although he usually gets distracted once he's in the car by some toy or something and forgets to get right in his seat. It's a HUGE help though. We also listen to Raffi alot, and there is a song that goes, "Oh me, Oh my!..." Well, Lucas has started taking both hands and lightly banging on his cheeks and head evreytime anyone says Oh me Oh my. It's so cute! He's also running everywhere now. Soph has truly figured out walking and popping up in the middle of the room, and is getting much faster now. We had apparantly forgotten how to say Mama, and both kids had been calling me Dada. Now though, Soph calls me Baba, which is MUCH closer to Mama. She is figuring out so many of the toys, and has fallen in love with several foods, including dill pickles (mmmm, can't say I blame her). She has started to like hats, which is a HUGE switch from the past 6 months or so. She wore a big floppy hat around for about an hour today. Well, I'm signing off, as we are going outside to have yet another Popsicle party on the sidewalk. This will be the third? this week. We found mini (bite size) popsicles and they love them, even though they are VERY messy. It's bath night and it's over 90 degrees, what can I say? 6/9/06 So after several sleepless nights and fussy days, we went to the doctor yesterday morning to find out that both Lucas and Sophia have ear infections in both ears. GRRR... I thought we were past this. Oh well, the good news is, now, after 2 doses of meds, their moods are MUCH improved and Lucas actually slept soundly through the whole night last night (Soph was still pretty restless). While we were there, the doctor decided to go ahead and do the 18 month checkup (yes, I know, they are a year and a 1/2 old - It's gone SO fast!). Lucas is 28 lbs. (stablilized and actually lost a little since he has been walking so much) and 331/2 inches long/tall. Sophia is 24 lbs and 32 inches long/tall. Everything looks great, AND we got to cancel the additional appt. we had scheduled for next week! BONUS Sophia has gotten very cuddly lately, not sure if it's the ear infections or just plain love, but she crawls right up on either my or dad's lap any chance she gets. She also reads books to us. It's so cute, she will open to a page, then start jabbering. Then she's turn the page when she's done, and start all over again until the book is done. She uses different "words" and intonation for the different pages. Lucas is ornery as ever. He has this little devilish grin and laugh he uses when he does something he knows he shouldn't be doing. He also has started using sign language pretty regulary, which is nice, so now we can understand him better. Also he has gotten very kissy. Yesterday, Soph was in the playhouse, and Lucas opened the door to walk in. Soph greeted him at the door and they gave eachother a kiss, then just kept on playing. I'm sitting there thinking, "Ok, who's letting them watch Nick at Night Donna Reed reruns after I go to bed? (Hi honey, I'm home!)" Strange the things they learn... 6/6/06 It's been a bittersweet realization for Will and me the past couple weeks that our babies are no longer babies. They understand MOST of what we say, and they follow commands so well now. We ask them to bring something from the other room, like, "where is your bottle?" and they will turn around, look around the room, walk down the hallway and bring it back. They know where about 10 different body parts are, and several songs and fingerplays. You ask them to dance, and they do. You tell them to get down off the couch, and they do (begrudgingly). At bedtime, you tell them to put their heads down, and they do. It's amazing that they have come so far, and so fast. On a lighter note, the somersaults are coming along nicely, although I'm not sure it was a good idea to start with. Everytime I turned around this morning, all I saw were two little bottoms sticking up in the air. They both wanted me to help them roll over, so they looked like ostriches with their heads in the sand. Since, Sophia has begun to try to roll over on her own (and is really pretty close!). Lucas tried a few times too, although he mostly just waits, upside down, for me to help. Also, I have been talking to them about the baby in my tummy. So now when I ask, "where is the baby?" They both run over to me and pull up my shirt. Oops, guess we won't try that one in public. They both like to kiss my tummy too (and only after one request of "do you want to kiss the baby?") What cuties!
6/5/06 And the panic attacks ensue.... Today is Lucas and Sophia's first day of Mother's Day Out. I have never spent more than a few hours away from them before, and during that time they were either with Will or my parents, whose lives were threatened if something happened and they didn't call me immediately. So I dropped them off, and.... I cried. Ok, so I'd like to blame it on the pregnancy, but honestly, I would have cried anyway. Sophia was a little dazed, but was playing with toys by the time I left. Lucas kept calling, "DADA!" and looking for me, but the staff did a great job of distracting him. So now until 2PM when I can pick them up, i am glued to my cell phone in case they call, and I am panicking until I pick them up and see they are just fine. In all reality, they probably won't even want to come home, since the MDO program has all new toys and an outdoor playground for little ones. Oh well, one more hurdle of parenting, sort of overcome.... Lucas popped another molar through. That makes 3 molars and 11 teeth total. Sophia is learning to do somersaults. She puts her head down and looks between her legs and calls for me. Then I help her roll over and she giggles and giggles. SO SILLY!
6/4/06 Wow! It's been a WHILE! We are finally back from our trip to Indianapolis. We left last Saturday at 1:30am (yuck, but babies slept most of the car ride). We have learned and tried SO many new things this week. Lucas now calls me Nana, which was originally intended for Nana (my mom), but somehow got switched to me. So now, he calls for Dada and Nana. It's close I guess. Sophia FINALLY figured out how to pop up in the middle of the room by herself, so NO more pulling up on things. She will actually fall near something and crawl away so she has room to pop up without touching anything. Phia has also fallen in love with her Brown Bear Brown Bear book. She carries it everywhere she goes. Lucas is still into climbing everything (and EVERYONE for that matter). They both tried to pool while we were in Indy, and Lucas LOVED it! He kept crawling in and out and splashing around. Sophia was more partial to the hot tub (i don't blame her, it was MUCH warmer). She kicked her feet around like she was swimming and wanted to spend her time in the middle (the deep part!). We explored the playground at Orchard - my mom's school- and they both LOVED the slide and climbing on the equipment. Sophia liked the garden around the playground, and of course, Lucas wanted to play in the mud and the greenhouse. As for the tooth count.... Sophia has four top fronts and four bottom fronts. She popped two molars trhough (both on the top) before we left. Lucas has four top fronts and four bottom fronts. He had a HUGE blood blister on his bottom gum for about a month where a molar was coming in (he has the one right above it, so I think it was irritating the blister?). Finally, we were eating animal crackers in Indy and he started drooling blood. We looked in and, sure enough, there were three pin pricks of blood where the molar had popped through. So we are officially at 10 teeth each. I'm sure I will think of a million other things this week that we did, so I will try to update again soon. We shouldn't be going on any more trips, since I will probable be confined to the Memphis area from now on. I'm abuot 17.5 weeks pregnant and I went into labor with the babies at 20 weeks! So far everything is going well, and I have the BIG exam tomorrow, where they measure all the bones and everything in the new one. I may even find out if it's a boy or girl, but DON'T ASK me, because Will doesn't want to know until it's born, so we aren't telling anyone (we'll see how long that lasts:) ). Hope all is well with you and check out the new pictures. They are all in the June folder, even though some were taken in May- oh well close enough! :)
Posted by our3babies
at 10:13 PM CDT
Monday, 1 May 2006
May 2006 blog
5/23/06 Well, we're growing like weeds! We've been watching the Baby Einstein Old McDonald's farm for a few minutes before bed, and Sophia has picked up the Piggy sound. You ask her, Soph, what does a piggy say? and she closes her mouth and makes that sucking noise in her throat like an oink. She gets really proud of herself when she does it too. I'm not sure if she is mastering the skill of eating during non meal times or what, but she will take her pointer fingers and thumbs and act like she is breaking something in 1/2 (maybe a cracker?) then she puts an imaginary 1/2 in her mouth and pretends to eat it, making smacking noises and everything! Lucas is as devious as they come now. When he is doing something he isn't supposed to be doing, like opening doors and sneaking into rooms, or climbing until he's standing on the back of the couch, when you say his name, he will turn and BOLT the other way. He gets this look like, Oh crap, I got caught! How fast can I get away?? He also is learning to ride a tricycle that the neighbors gave to us. We've started to call Lucas "Mr. Destruct-o" because his newest favorite pasttime is to take toys (usually as big and as heavy as he can find) and lift them up over his head,only to slam them down in front of him on the floor. Then he will walk to wherever it landed and pick it up and repeat. What am I going to do with these babies???? 5/19/06 WOW... so I found the camera and realized that I did not take a single picture of the munchkins the entire trip. I know, you are all thinking, who is this woman? What happened to the one who usually takes 50 pictures a day of these children? I guess we were just really busy? I know, not an excuse... So I took some this morning to make up for it? Anyway, we are doing all sorts of things this week. Brushing seems to be a common theme. Lucas and Phia are both brushing their hair, their teeth (ok, that one takes a little help), Mama's hair, the dog, etc.... Brushing is so fun! Also, Lucas has taken to RUNNING when he gets excited. Soph tries so hard to keep up, but usually ends up toppling over and getting really frustrated. She's so close to REALLY getting the rhythm of fast walking. We're playing outside all the time, because the forcast calls for upper 80's and warmer, so we're getting outside NOW before it gets TOO hot! Looking forward to our trip to Indy over Memorial Day! I promise to take pictures there... 5/17/06 We're home.... FINALLY! We had a pretty good trip, however, I think we are all glad to be home. The babies did well on the first flight (slept almost the entire way!), however, we did not do as well on the way home and I think the people around us were as glad it was over as we were... enough said. The wedding was beautiful and the babies did pretty well through the ceremony. I was VERY glad my mom was able to come help since Will was in the wedding. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to go cause they are a HANDFUL! We took over Will's dad's house for a few days before we came home too. They haven't seen the babies since August, so I'm sure they looked completely different! As for Lucas, he now climbs right up onto the couch without stepping on anything. He thinks he's big stuff now. He also plugs his ears by folding down the top and folding up the bottom and pinching them with his fingers when he is sick of hearing something. What a stinker! Sophia has learned to tickle Lucas, which is cute until he gets sick of it. She also is starting to wear her glasses a bit more, which is a BIG deal for us. She learned where her feet and toes are this week, so now we have hair, tongue, tummy, feet, and toes. I mean, why would we want to learn the typical nose, eyes, etc. Right? I'll get the pictures posted as soon as I uncover the camera in the suitcases, which of course comes after the laundry, and the meals, and baths, and entertaining the babies..... 5/9/06 Well, we're finally starting to get a good night time routine down, so that seems to be helping with the sleeping. Lucas and Sophia are getting so big! It's s much fun to see them play together. We went in for an occupational therapy evaluation yesterday and the therapist said, "wow, they just really entertain eachother and play together all the time, don't they?" It's really cute to see them get so excited over eachother even though they see eachother every single day. Mushroom pizza is a new love, although I think it doesn't top our(ok, their) favorite meal of hot dogs and green beans (and/or corn). They also LOVE rotisserie chicken. By the way, pizza sauce not only works as hair gel, but it has a slight dyeing effect to both the hair and scalp! BONUS! We are gearing up to fly to Delaware tomorrow. We will be attending the babies' 3rd wedding (Cousin Natalie, Aunt Hannah, and now Tim and Megan). We also get to see PawPaw and Mamaw, Aunt Malinda and Uncle Ervin while we are there. It's going to be very exciting, although Mama's not really looking forward to the 4 nights in a hotel. Oh well, as long as we bring the babies' touchie blankets,we should be ok! Have a great week and check for new pictures when we get back! 5/4/06 (again) Wow! two posts in one day.. I don't know what to do with myself. Just wanted to let y'all know that we had a picnic today! (ok, a living room picnic, it's raining). The babies LOVED it! We had finger food (hot dogs, cheese, grapes and crackers) and they finished the entire plate! The picture is about 1/2 way trhough the meal! They started by sitting on the blanket, but then it quickly progessed to "drive-by snacking", which is fine considering how much they ate! GO BABIES! 5/4/06 They are growing up so fast! It's crazy to me to see Lucas and Sophie chasing eachother around the living room or yard, while drinking sippy cups and laughing. When they were born, I honestly never thought we would be here, especially this soon. What a BLESSING! Lucas has figured out the child locks on the cabinet doors. He just walks up to them, opens the door, and the undoes the latch. He sometimes will then look around to see if anyone is watching before he dives into the cabinet, but most times just takes the plunge as quickly as he can before he gets caught. He has also figured out the outlet covers. (We are wondering why we bothered baby proofing....) At what age is this supposed to happen? Because 16 months seems a little early to me. Soph has fallen in love with sunglasses. She wears them all the time, even at 6:30 in the morning. She will find a pair on the ground, in the toybox, etc. and get so excited. She usually brings them to me to put on her, and then takes off walking or waving with them on. This morning, however, I apparantly wasn't moving fast enough (geez, gimme a break, it was before 6:30am) and she put them on perfectly all by herself. What a big girl! She has also figured out how to get her (and Lucas') diaper off, so naked diaper time has been extremely limited, even though they love it. It all started when I found her running 1/2 naked through the living room after a diaper change. I left her with just a diaper and shirt, and then about 2 seconds later, she was streaking with just the shirt and laughing with that pure joy laugh. She takes Lucas' off too if she can catch him. I think she just likes the satisfaction of undoing the velcro. It's pants for EVERYONE! 5/1/06 We made it! All 4.2 miles of the WalkAmerica March of Dimes walk! Thank you again to everyone who helped us raise money for the fight against premature birth. We raised over $1000! We got very concerned with the weather reports before the walk, but we made it the entire way without any rain (ok, a few drops here and there, but nothing significant!). Lucas fell asleep about 1 1/4 miles into it, and Soph finally crashed with about 1/2 mile left to go. Will was very tired and sore afterwards because he had to carry Sophia most of the way. Mama was tired afterwards, but made the whole walk, which was pretty impressive considering.... I'm 3 months pregnant!!!! SURPRISE! It's been a rough first trimester, but we're finally almost out of the morning sickness and exhaustion (although I think it's partially from Lucas and Sophia- the exhaustion that is...). anyway, check out the pictures from the walk, and I plan to get better pictures of the babies' shirts, they were WAY cute!(p.s. the pictures are in the April file since they were taken in April) Lucas and Sophia are learning so many new things. Everywhere we go, they point to things and grunt, then I name whatever they pointed at, and they try to repeat what I say. Sometimes it's just the same amount of syllables, and sometimes it actually sounds like the word, but they are really understanding! They both follow simple commands too, like "put the peach in your mouth" or "lay your head down." It's pretty impressive. Lucas found his eyeball today, and was intent on sticking his finger all the way into it. Thank god for distractions.... Sophia continues to push limits. She will do something she knows she isn't supposed to do, all the while staring right at me, like, "are you gonna stop me?" She's gonna be a tough cookie! We also learned today that ANYTHING from KC and the Sunshine Band warrants immediate dancing...
Posted by our3babies
at 10:12 PM CDT
Saturday, 1 April 2006
April 2006 blog
4/28/06 And again! It's been an entire week since I've written. GRRR... It's been a rough week, both babies have stuffy noses and have had trouble sleeping because of it. It was really warm, then got cool, and is getting warm again. I wish the weather would just make up it's mind! It makes for VERY fussy babies! Lucas and Sophia have continued to play tag, and have figured out the DADA version of Marco Polo. They wake eachother up by playing it, and they play it when they are on opposite sides of the living room. I hear a little girly voice scream "DADA", and then the male response, "DADA". Usually followed by a repeat or giggles by both. Now that they are both walking pretty well, they chase eachother around the house giggling with delight. It's so cute! We're still gaining words and working on catching up. Their most recent developmental assessment only showed delays in gross motor skills, and even in that, they weren't dealyed much. They were even testing at 18 months in some catagories! We have our WalkAmerica walk tomorrow. The forms are printed, the t shirts are made, and we're ready to go! Check back for pictures soon!
4/21/06 It's been forever since I've updated! We've been busy. Last weekend was Easter and, from the pictures, you can tell we had a pretty good time. It was in the 80's, so we did a minor Easter Egg hunt, which they did really well with! They loved the grass in the Easter baskets, which is also really fun to pick up after they distribute it around the living room! All in all, a pretty happy Easter. They did WONDERFULLY during Physical Therapy yesterday. Both are walking pretty well now, and Lucas pops up without pulling up on anything. Soph is getting really steady with her walking, and is getting more adventurous with trying new things. Lucas climbs up on EVERYTHING. I watched him climb on the coffee table, the couch, in the playhouse window, into the toybox, and in the wagon. Next thing we know, he'll be climbing the walls! Both babies are saying Doggie and Mama (although Soph's is still more like Blabla). They know Dada and they will also repeat words we say, if not in the entirity, at least parts of the word. They played tag for about 20 minutes straight the other evening. One would chase the other, and then when they caught up with them, they woudl both shriek and laugh, then would turn around the chase the other. They would come around corners face to face and fall out laughing. As fun as it was to watch, Will and I wished they would have engaged in this game at like 6:30PM instead of 8:30 when we were both exhausted and ready for bed. Oh well, you do what you gotta do. Overall, we're doing pretty well. I'll try to update more frequently! We're doing our March of Dimes walk next weekend! 4/11/06 And the kissing continues.... Now Lucas and Sophia have decided that everytime they crawl by eachother, they need to stop and kiss eachother on the cheek. It's really very sweet. However, this morning, Lucas decided that one kiss wasn't enough. He was sitting next to Sophia and kept pulling her sleeve so she would lean in and give him another kiss. Apparantly her tolerance for this game gave in around 2 kisses, at which time she started SCREAMING everytime he pulled on her. He laughed at her and she realized it was a game, and the rest of the morning, they spent pulling on eachother's sleeves and laughing. SO SILLY! Yesterday at breakfast, I was singing to my adorable children and and apparantly they don't appreciate mealtime serenades. Lucas put both pointer fingers in his ears and just sat there with this smirk on his face like, "Haha mama, I can't heeeear you!".(by the way, I got a picture of this, it will be up shortly) Shortly thereafter, Sophia stuck a piece of cheese in her ear... literally in her ear. I had to dig it out.... I guess the singing shouldn't start until after 10am or so? The babies had so much fun so far this week playing outside. It't been near 80 for the last few days and they have such a good time getting reaquainted with the grass, sidewalk, driveway, patio furniture, etc. Lucas walked all the way across the front yard, and Soph took about 15 steps, of course both AWAY from me.... so independant, right up until they are tired or need snuggling....
4/7/06 Our son, the ladies man..... So Lucas' newest favorite thing to do is to walk up to Sophia and shove his cheek in her face so she'll give him a kiss! And she does it too! It started with the nose, but after one slobbery kiss there, it quickly progressed to the cheek. Now he just walks up and leans into her so that his cheek in right in front of her face, and she leans in and kisses him! They both giggle afterwards. I swear this kid is going to have 50 girlfriends in preschool. Sophia does about 1/2 of the itsy bitsy spider. She does the spider (fingers moving upwards) and the "out came the sun" (grabs one wrist with the other hand and makes a circle above her head). Lucas figured out "SO BIG!" and when he puts his arms up, he wiggles his fingers too, for effect I guess??? Whenever we do SO BIG! Sophia makes her "out came the sun" pose. I don't know, It's close I guess? Whatever works. 4/5/06 Well, we've been laying pretty low this past week or so. It appears that when we went to the pediatrician for our 5th round of ear infections, the babies caught a viral throat infection in the waiting room. So we've been working to get over that, with a mixture of benadryl, maalox, and motrin.... they LOVE it... no wait, hold on, we basically have to pry their mouths open to get them to swallow it. But, oh well. Sleeping has been sort of a joke lately. Hopefully, we are on the mend though. Since they have been really sick, they have both been pretty fussy. Lucas cries at just about anything, and yesterday, Soph walked up to him during a tantrum and just planted a HUGE kiss on his cheek. I think it stunned him, and I of course let out a huge, "AAAWWWW!" to which they both smiled and tried to figure out what I was so excited about and how they could do it again. They also are "talking" to eachother a lot more. I swear they play Simon Says togethre, because one will clap, and the other will clap. Then one will say dadada, and the other will say it. They just laugh and laugh when they do it too. They've been having a great time playing in their playhouse, and Lucas has figured out how to sit in the seats, so he sits around and orders Soph around, who typically just looks at him and then goes on doing whatever she was doing anyway. Lucas also gets our attention by ringing the doorbell of the house. He will be standing inside and will reach around the window and ring the bell until we look at him or talk to him. Then he will grin and wave and go back to playing. Sophia has learned to blow kisses, which is absolutely adorable. She makes the MMMMAAAA sound when she does it too! What silly silly babies!
Posted by our3babies
at 10:10 PM CST
Wednesday, 1 March 2006
March 2006 blog
3/27/06 WE'RE WALKING AND TALKING! Sophia took 18 steps today, which is by far her longest stretch. She has been taking around 10 or so at a time, but today she decided it was time. Lucas is taking off, and just lets go and walks across the room now. He's getting very sure of himself, enough so that he bends down and picks things up, then stands up and keeps walking! We've got language! Both babies say Dada to Will, and they both know I am Mama, although only Lucas calls me Mama. Sophia's comes out as BlaBla because she still insists on sticking her tongue out when she says it. Soph said "Ock Ock" today, which wouldn't be a big deal, except she said it while rocking the caterpillar rocker, and right after I said Rock Rock. She also repeated "Dog" when Nana said it. Lucas loves to point at things and say, "THAT", which sometimes comes out like "DAT" and sometimes like "THAT", depending on his mood. Lucas also says, "Hey", "Hi" and "Hello", sa well as "Yeah!", which comes out like "Yeeea-ah!" He also points out other things when asked, like the light and Grandpa. They both also know where their mouths and tummies are! AAH! Does the excitement ever end around here? They are SO smart and are growing up so fast! 3/25/06 It is Lucas and Sophia's Very Merry Un-birthday today! (Their 1 year birthday if they had come on their due date). To celebrate, the babies got a FUN playhouse, with working doorbell, telephone (ok, just the buttons make noise), swinging doors and shutters, and all sorts of other fun stuff! We had barbeque, baked beans, cole slaw, and fried pickles for dinner, which it turns out, they LOVE!!! They really are Memphis babies. Soph was popping the fried pickles in her mouth with both hands and would grunt and then clap after each bite. Lucas just got covered in BBQ sauce, which he was tearing up! All in all, a pretty fun day. Check out the pictures! Since we last posted, the babies are doing pretty well. We went the doctor for our 5th round of ear infections, but we are on the mend and sleeping through the night again. Lucas has started naming things, like Dada, Mama. When you ask him where the light is, he points, and he points out mouth too. Sophia has mouth, and sometimes light. She is letting go and taking many steps now, and Lucas is walking across the room on his own. They are growing up so fast! We spent the last few days with Melissa, and they had a GREAT time with her. Thanks Meliss for all the great summer clothes. I think we're getting toward warm weather again, so we're getting out the warm wardrobe! It's hard to believe they should only be a year old today. It seems like forever since their 1 year birthday. They are doing so many wonderful things, and are getting more fun each day. We are stacking blocks, climbing on the rockers on our own, climbing into things, and now out of things, and playing all sorts of games. I will post more soon, but check out the new pictures! There will be an April album soon! 3/19/06 We went to the kickoff for the WalkAmerica for the March of Dimes yesterday. There were lots of other babies there that were preemies, and ours weren't really sure how to react. I think ours were by far the fattest though! :) We had to make a run to Target on Friday because our adorable little boy figured out how to open the back door! He has been taqlle nough to get both hands around the handle for a while now, but he realized that if he pulls one way or another, well.... So we got the doorknob covers and now he's really torqued. I think I mentioned in a previous update that Sophia has a credit card that she carries everywhere. Well, that has continued, but now, she will be standing with the card in her hand, and then put the card on her hip, shove it down like she has a pocket (which she doesn't) and then let go. It truly looks like she is trying to put it in her pocket, but she doesn't have any! What a goof! We let the babies dance to all sorts of music today to see what kind they like best. Lucas has decided that he can really get his groove on to Disco music(i think it's the beat) and the Jackson 5. Sophia is partial to Lil' John and R&B, such as Kanye West. However, they both also liked MC Hammer and Wham, so who knows. I think they just like to shake their booties... We also tried Chocolate chip muffins for breakfast. The chocolate was fun to wear. Cute pictures though!
3/16/06 I don't know if Lucas and Phia just figured out that they have hair on their heads, or what, but they spend an enormous amount of time these days pulling on their own hair. It seems that they have also figured out that food+ hair= fun spikey hairdo... They LOVE to smear food into their hair. Doesn't matter if it's applesauce, pasta, cheese, it all works just like hair gel. This morning, Lucas was rubbing pancakes on his head and Sophia realized that sausages can double as hairbows.... Who knew??? We are getting very excited about the March of Dimes Walk America walk for premature babies. We are going to a kickoff party this weekend for the local families who are walking. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has donated to our walk, it means so much to us. We're also looking forward to next weekend, (March 25th) which is the babies' due date birthday, which we will be calling their Un-birthday. (and a very merry unbirthday to you!) Nana and Papa George are bringing down the playhouse we got for them, so I'm sure they will be THRILLED! Othe than that, both kids are obsessed with "Monkey see, monkey do". They repeat everything we do, and every sound we make. It's cute, to a point..... Who am I kidding, it's adorable... Happy St. Patrick's day to y'all! 3/13/06 WE FIGURED OUT THE PUZZLE! (well, at least part of it!). Soph and Lucas can both put the circle and the square in the puzzle. The triangle is still somewhat elusive, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Lucas puts the puzzle piece down on the puzzle and slides it around until it goes in. Soph just bangs it until it fits. Such different styles! We finally got our "padded" flooring (puzzle pieced like gym flooring) so they can play full time in the kitchen now. I was just worried about them falling on the tile! They love the new foam flooring, and the mama doesn't mind it either! Other than that, we're just chugging along, waiting for summer! Word from Nana says that the babies have new swimsuits! :) 3/9/06 Sophia had a HUGE day today! She took 8 steps, in a row, by herself! A huge "step" from a year ago when the pediatric neurosurgeon told us she may never crawl or walk! I know I was whining about how stubborn she is, but it's why she is here and doing as well as she is. She is truly a miracle (they both are). Soph has also figured out how to say Gagagaga. She said Dada Gaga, which, when shoved together, in the middle, sounds like Dog! We'll keep working on it. Lucas has been so much happier since the ear infections are gone. He is pointing at everything and "talking", and also climbing into or on everything. He gets so excited (about 250 times a day) and just tenses up and screams with this huge grin on his face. It's so cute to watch. We've found a new favorite food..., Hot dogs. Personally, I don't care for them much, but they can be picked up easily, and they taste different, so they are a hit! We've only tried the all beef kind, but they are the newest food to fall back on when meals aren't going well. As for the mama, I'm tired and it's time for bed. Over and out.... 3/7/06 I swear I have the smartest kids in the world! We've been really working on imitating and "commands" and this morning we played a pseudo Simon Says. For example, with Soph, I say Yeah- she claps, I say ah ah ah (like the count)- she says ah ah ah, I say Hi!- she waves, I say hahaha- she says hahaha, I say Gimme 5! -She gives me 5, I say dadada- she says dadada, I say yayayaya- she says yayayaya. Then we mix it up, and she really can keep up! It's amazing! Lucas plays too, but with a little variation. He doesn't laugh like the count, but if I say where's mouth?- he points to his (or my) mouth. If I say Ring Ring- he picks up the nearest object and talks on the phone. My personal favorite with both, I say Shake Shake Shake, and they DANCE! And it doesn't matter the order, they follow along like little troopers! We're starting Harvard next week... early admissions :) 3/6/06 Well, we're finally feeling better. They have slept through the night again the last two nights, so we're hoping we are on the mend and that they will be gone for good this time! The weather is on the way up, mid 60's the next few days and mid 70's by the weekend. We're expecting a lot of OUTSIDE time to work off some of the energy! What's new here? Well, our little Sophia has become mroe strong-willed than ever. I mean, I knew we were in for some rough times when she wouldn't let us feed her anymore, but now she refuses to take naps, wear bibs, or wear her eye patch. She throws GIGANTIC tantrums everytime the physical therapist comes, simply because she doesn't want him telling her what to do. As soon as he stops making her do stuff, she returns to her normal color and stops crying within about 2 seconds. Seriously, it's amazing, like flipping a switch. We struggle to change diapers because she won't hold still, and she hates getting dressed, you know, all the stuff that we try to do daily....GRRR. The worst part is, seh gives you this little devilish grin that is so cute, it's so hard to say no to her. However, I could live with JUST the grin and eliminate the tantrums.... I now feel VERY bad for everytime I gave my parents a hard time and was defiant. Lucas is just a happy kid. He's always smiling and laughing. He is really easy going, which is a nice change after Soph's tantrums. He is walking a ton now and gets so excited about it. He is getting so close to talking. He points out things and screams AAH when he wants us to look at them, and then waves his fingers in and out when he wants something. He is making MANY new sounds, so I think it's only a matter of time. Also, bubbles are a hit, especially with the bubble gun. I think the babies are ready for finger painting. They love to smear around whatever is in their tray at mealtime, especially anything with a sauce or liquid to it. Can't wait until summer when we can just hose 'em off! We finally got both babies clapping, waving bye bye and hi, giving fives, and dancing everytime the music comes on. They also both give kisses (although sometimes with Phia you have to watch out for the teeth about 1/2 way through!). We got a playhouse for the babies for their "due date birthday" - March 25th, so watch for pictures of it soon! 3/4/06 Another round of ear infections! This is the 4th this winter! Are we ever going to get any sleep around here? The good news is, the babies are FINISHED with the synagis shots (for RSV!) They also had their 15 month check ups last week (a few days early). Sophia is 23 lbs. and 30 inches long. Lucas is 28 lbs. and 32 inches long. Growing like crazy. Again, they are almost caught up in development, according to the pediatrician. We are working really hard, and they are just blossoming. Sophia had an interesting conversation yesterday at breakfast. They were eating cheese, and she was shoving fistfuls of cheese into her mouth with both hands and saying, "Dabm, Dabm, Babm, Dabm, Babm.....etc" on and on and on. The entire breakfast she recited her new dabm babm's. Hey, whatever works. Still haven't quite figured out what it means, but it's language! Lucas was standing at the gate the other day and I was sitting on the floor next to him. He walked right up to me and grabbed my face. He planted a huge kiss on my mouth, and then just stood there smiling, like "I love you Mama." (ok, maybe he was really thinking, look what I did, I'm so big, yeah for me... but a mama can dream, can't she?" Anyway, it was so sweet. Lucas is going through a phase where he is scared on the dark, and is VERY clingy to me. He would cling to only Dada a few days ago, so I take what I can get. Both babies take immense pleasure in feeding me, or offering me a toy to play with, especially the phone. They have also starting stacking things, and putting objects IN other objects. Now, originally, I was very excited about this. Like a few weeks ago, when they put the blocks in the toy, like you are supposed to. Or when they help me put the toys back in the toy bucket. However, this "helpfulness" has now progressed into other objects. For example, I lost the remote the other day, and couldn't find it for the life of me. Turns out, someone had helped me out by shoving it under several toys in the toy bucket. Thanks guys! That one wasn't as big of a problem as the next fun scenario. You know those sippy cups are that "leak proof"? Sure they are. Right up until you put them in the bucket with all the clean diapers. So then we have a bucket full of "prematurely wet" clean diapers. Oh well, at least we get the concept!
Also, I will be sending out an email soon, but we have joined the March of Dimes Walk America to support research and care for premature babies. We will be walking on April 29th in support of Lucas and Phia, and in rememberance of Emma. If you would like to sponsor our walk and support the cause, please visit our site at THANKS
Posted by our3babies
at 10:07 PM CST
Wednesday, 1 February 2006
February 2006 blog
2/27/06 We attended the babies' first funeral this past weekend. We went to my grandmother's memorial service and the babies did really well except for the occasional giggle. They also did pretty well on the airplane, although mama and dada were tired afterwards from entertaining them! Soph has started to hold things up to her ear and talk too, like Lucas does. Her favorite is the caterpillar from The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It is almost the perfect length to hold from ear to mouth, and is bent outward like a handle! Soph also has always had a great variety of laughs, from hre fake little laugh to her deep belly laugh, but recently, she has started laughing like the Count from Sesame Street. She'll be playing and then all of the sudden, Ah ah aaaaah..... She also plays a new game with me. She'll pick up a rattle and wait for me to say, "Shake, Shake Shake senorita!" and then she'll shake the rattle and dance. I think we might be able to take this one on the road. Lucas has been snorting like a pig alot recently. He figured out how to do it, and now he won't quit! It's so cute too! He also likes to climb into things, like boxes or the wagon. It's not uncommon to hear him screaming and find his top half in the box or wagon, and his feet off the ground, stuck over the edge. Ok, I know there are more things they are doing, but I'm sick and on Dayquil, so I can't really think of them right now. I'll update again soon, hopefully without the medicine head...
2/21/06 They fed themselves oatmeal today!!! And it's a good thing too, because Phia now completely refuses to eat anything she can't feed to herself (unless we use a distraction such as a toy at mealtime... sneaky!) Anyway, I had gotten them these dippin stick things that are like spoons, only they are flat at the end, so they can hold the big handle and scoop/dip food like yogurt and stuff. They really got it! Soph just held onto hers and waited until the bowl came back to her, and then shoved the stick in and pulle dit right to her mouth. Lucas had a bit more of a problem because he instisted on chewing on the handle between bites. Either way, we lost more oatmeal that usual this morning, but gained a new skill! They have also figured out how to REALLY work all thier toys now too. They used to bang on them and use them to bang on other things, but now they get how to work the buttons and levers and stuff. It's so neat and amazing to watch them grow! 2/19/06 Ok, so obviously from the pictures, I forgot to mention that the babies learned to climb stairs, and they are pretty good at it too! I also realized that, when I thought lucas knew the difference between the phone and everything else, I was mistaken. I caught him talking into his shoe the other day, and since then, it's been various other things. Oh well, at least he gets the concept of putting it up to his ear! Lucas has also started sorting in his tray at dinnertime. When he gets full, he'll start seperating the foods into different compartments of his tray and "save them for later." He sometimes goes back and eats them and sometimes not. Soph probably would do this too, except she's too busy feeding what she doesn't want to the dog. Sadie is getting very FAT! Sophia has had a few "waving incidents". She loves to wave and does it very frequently. Sometimes though, she will look at her hand while it's waving like a foreign object with this look on her face like, "why is this crazy thing waving in my face??". She then proceeds to shake her arm down or bang her hand on something in what appears to be an attempt to make it stop, but usually her hand just keeps on waving until she gets distracted by something else. It's really very funny to watch. Today, Lucas and Soph were crawling toward eachother and when they got close, Soph waved at him. He waved back and said, "hey" and they kept crawling past eachother. I think they really get it! We've "babyproofed" the kitchen, dining room and hallway now, so the babies have alot more room to play in, which makes them VERY happy. They crawl/toddle all over and, even though I can't watch them both all the time, which makes me nervous, they seem to thoroughly enjoy themselves. I've been working on the babies to say Mama, which currently they call Will and me dada. So far, I can only get Soph to say "Mum" when she's upset and wants to be picked up by me. Will is beginning to insist she is British, but we'll just have to see :) 2/16/06 WE'VE BEEN AWAY FOREVER! We've been traveling again, to Indianapolis, and then Knoxville TN, so the updates have been few and far between, unfortunately! We're back though, for a few weeks anyway. CHECK FOR NEW PIXI N THE FEBRUARY ALBUM! The kids are doing pretty well. Soph has learned how to wave, only she only uses her fingers and wrist, so she waves sort of like Miss America, which is way cute. Now, every time we cruise around in the stroller, both babies wave and anything (or nothing) that passes by. So I feel like we are in a parade since they are both waving the entire time. Lucas started waving today with just his pointer finger. Who knows why? Lucas is really starting to move and is loving it. They are both dancing, which for Lucas, consists of bouncing up and down (or rocking side to side) and singing. Sophia, however, likes to hold on to something with one hand, throw the other hand up in the air, bend her knees, and swivel her hips around (booty dancing, we call it). It's hysterical and a little disturbing to watch, especially since she usually has a deadpan expression on her face. Both babies love kissing the windows (well, really, just kissing anything (I don't mind the baby kisses and hugs). Lucas also has figured out what the phone is (or at least where to put it), and now everytime he get ahold of a phone, play or real, he puts it up to his ear and starts talking. It's so cute! While we were in Indy, the babies started to understand what a kitty is. My parents have two cats, and everytime a cat would be in the room and someone would say kitty, both babies would point directly at the cat and say "Uhh...". Lucas has started to say hi when he waves too. Soph has a new way to throw a tantrum. She lies on her back and screams as loud as she can, then pushes with her feet and scoots across the room, all while crying. She bulldozes anything in her path as she scoots headfirst.... What a goof. On a not so happy note, we had to go to the doctor today because Lucas was wheezing. He is now on steroids for a week and nebulizer breathing treatments (as needed after this week). We're hoping he;s just not feeling well and gets over it soon, but we're watching to see if it develops into asthma or something. GRRR... Other than that, both babies got haircuts thanks to aunt Hannah, and are looking and feeling pretty good otherwise. They also got new wardrobes thanks to Nana and Papa George so they are stylin more than ever. I'm sure I'll think of 50 more things that I forgot to write that they are doing as soon as I publish this, so check back for updates in the next few days. They have learned so much since I wrote last that I can't keep up! 2/2/06 Well, Lucas is up to 9 consecutive steps in a row with no help! He's traveling like crazy! Soph is still a little more hesitant, possibly because her depth perception is a little lacking. They are both doing GREAT though. Sophia continues to pull Lucas' hair and pull toys away from him daily, although he has started to pull some toys back from her. They have started following me around the house like little ducklings, which is cute, until I step over a baby gate and they are trapped! Oh well, the downfalls of living in a gated community. They have both gotten sort of snuggly lately, which I don't mind at all. Even Soph, who is usually SO independent, will crawl up in my lap occasionally and just lay her head on my chest and talk to me (usually while sucking her thumb). Lucas has always been a snuggler, but he too has takent o crawling up in my lap and taking a break from the chaos we call daily life. I just consider it one of the perks of the job :) We will be out of town (in Indianapolis) until Febuary 14th, so I'll be sure to post an update then, with all the new and fun things the babies are doing! Have a great Valentine's Day!
Posted by our3babies
at 10:06 PM CST
Sunday, 1 January 2006
January 2006 blog
1/30/05 Lucas took three consecutive steps today! GO TEAM! Also, the babies ate an entire can of spaghettios, (plus abut 2 lbs of other foods) today. I guess they are hitting a growth spurt or something, because they are eating like we starve them or something! I have never seen two small children put away so much food! The babies have decided that they need to get into everything in sight. I thought we had baby proofed, but they have definitely proven me wrong! Lucas has figured out every single possible way to get into the fireplace. As you can see from the picture, he crawls uner the walker and sticks his little hand up into the fireplace. What a goof. Plus, he swings the doors to the TV cabinet. The good news is, he and Soph are both short enough that he can't bonk her or himself in the head with the door. They are a TRIP! They took a 2 hour nap in their cribs today, which if you know anything about their napping recently, you know that is a HUGE deal! I was so proud of them! I actually got some laundry done and the kitchen cleaned! Now, if only we could do this every day, we might actually have a livable house (clean wise...). I forgot to add yesterday that we introduced the babies to the wonderful world of kazoos! They love to hear us play them, and they like to chew on them. They haven't quite figured out how to make them work yet though. Soph carries hers around everywhere. We call it her security kazoo. 1/29/06 We finally got a camera and there are new pictures up in the January album! They are getting so big! They are still only taking a few steps in a row before crashing into something, mostly the floor, but they are getting much more sure of themselves on their feet. We all played outside today for a while, seeing as it was around 65 degrees and sunny. Lucas and Soph raced downt he driveway in their walkers, and then took turns pushing eachother in the little wagon up and down the sidewalk. CUTE pictures! Lucas has founda new favorite song (Tone Loc, Funky Cold Medina...), he laughs through the entire thing and dances. I had the music on the other day and both babies were holding on to the coffee table and dancing. It was the cutest thing I think I have ever seen. They both bend their knees, then Lucas bounces and Soph swivels her hips. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the video camera turned on fast enough. Oh well, I'll catch it another time. Lucas is still doing his Elvis face, and also is starting to refuse to eat unless he feeds it to himself (Actually, Soph is doing this frequently too). That's fine with some foods, but when it comes to mashed potatoes and soup and things like that, well it just spells disaster. Sophia, at dinner tonight, was working on eating a roll. She has gotten very good at biting pieces off of big things and chewing them up, then biting more. So we have been giving her about 1/3 of a roll at a time and she usually does really well with it. Tonight, however, Sadie (our dog) was also interested in Soph's roll, and being the kind hearted dog lover that she is, Soph was sharing. She would take a bite off of the roll, then hold it over the edge of the high chair for Sade to take a bite. Then she would pull it back up and take another bite, and so on. I would worry about the germs, but it's a little late considering Sadie likes to kiss the babies on their faces too. Oh well, I guess we're building up the immune systems. Oh, and it turns out what I thought were kisses on my tummy and arms and skin from the babies were really just the beginnings of raspberries! I thought my sweet little babies were showing me signs of affection, but NO, now they have started blowing when they do it, or putting their lips together and spitting( not real spit, just blowing out) right on me. HMMM. Oh well, at least they are proud of themselves and they laugh when they do it. I guess that makes it ok. :) Will and I laugh all the time because we can't go 30 seconds anymore without finding the babies into something they shouldn't be. Why is it that they own like every toy under the sun, but they fight over the TV remote, or anything else that they shouldn't be playing with? And now that they are taller, all the stuff on the end tables has to go (as we decided after Lucas pulled the candle (not lit) over and tried to pull the lamp too). And they get so creative with the ways they can manuever too. They are using their index fingers to poke at things, and they figure things out so quickly now. Forget child locks and outlet plugs, we need mini straight jackets, or at least leashes! 1/24/06 We're walking, we're walking! The babies are still only taking a few steps alone, but today, Lucas made it across the living room and Sophia made it down the hallway on their feet! We put our hands on either side of their ribs to help them balance and they would bump into them if they started to fall or get off balance, but other than that, they walked (on their own - no hand holding or holding onto anything). It basically was like bumper bowling, only without the ball or pins, and you didn't have to rent special shoes, and... well, ok, bad analogy, but you get the idea... Sophia got a baby doll for Christmas and both babies kiss her. Lucas hugs her too. Usually though, these displays of affection are followed shortly by either trying to poke her eyes out, or tossing her, hitting her, dropping her, etc. Hey, I mean, how much can we really expect here? The kissing is adorable though. Since Phia is still figuring out her tongue, I think the baby doll got her first taste of French kissing too. Oh well, we all gotta start sometime, right? Also, since the sun finally came out today (the last 3 days have been rainy and cold - yuck!), we went outside to play. It was 60 out, so we put on jackets and hauled the walkers out to the driveway. i didn't realize that our driveway had a slant to it, toward the road, until I got the babies in their walkers and off they went. It was like a race toward the street! Luckily, I can run faster than they can, and our street isn't busy. The good news is, I stopped them before they "ran" into the road. But they LOVED it! They were both giggling and grinning! Those little feet can MOVE! We also brought the little radio flyer wagon out and they took turns walking up and down the sidewalk with it (over and over and over...). The neighbors came out and couldn't believe how big the babies have gotten while we have been "hibernating." Both babies played with the grass and leaves, and loved listening to the outside sounds. Overall, a very good day. 1/23/06 Well, we're still working on walking, but the steps are coming easier now. It's amazing to watch them learn and progress.... Lucas has taken up what I call "drive by puzzling". We got a set of three big wooden puzzles (with three pieces in each puzzle) that sit in a woodens tand for christmas. Lucas has decided it's a good idea several times a day to crawl up to the puzzle rack, pull the pieces out of the top puzzle and disperse them around the room (as far as he can throw them), then pull the next puzzle out and work his way down doing the same with each. He then crawls away and finds something else to do. Mama gets to spend all sorts of time locating the puzzle pieces, then putting them back together and stacking them back up. Phia takes the puzzle pieces and holds the handles. She then bangs them together like cymbals. It's cute to watch. She usually does it when Lucas is playing one of the instruments from the bee bop drum set. Soph also climbs the soft gate. She takes steps up and up and up, although her feet slip down because it's mesh. Lucas figured out he can push his face into the gate and see around into the kitchen if he turns his head. I will be in the middle of making dinner and I'll see this little face smashed into the mesh and facing me, just watching. Who knew they could be so silly!
1/20/06 So we've been completely out of commission for a few days now. Our internet service was down, and in the same week, our digital camera died. So we are having a rough time! Finally, our service is back up and we're hoping to buy a new camera this weekend. Gotta keep the pictures coming! So much has happened since I last wrote. Both Lucas and Sophia have started to take their first steps. Ironically enough, they both started taking REAL steps on their own on Tuesday (1/ 17) while the Physical Therapist was here! They had been starting to a few days before, but the steps started coming in 2's on Tuesday... hmm.. that makes sense I guess. WAHOO FOR BABIES! or not babies, as the case may be, I guess they are now toddlers? I can't believe it's really happening, especially after all they've been through and the fact that they should only be about 10 months old. They are just SO big! It's amazing to watch them stand on their own for what seems like FOREVER. They both do things while they stand alone, like play with toys or dance. IT's SO cute, and now they are starting to take a few steps, and with one small step for mankind, they are no longer my teeny tiny NICU babies. It's a little sad actually. Lucas has started to curl up his lip like Elvis. He does it all the time now, and I'm not sure why. I know I laughed at him when I saw him do it, so now he does it all the time, and sometimes when he gets a reaction, he will grunt too when he does it. He's my little hunk of burnin love. The other day, I was lying on the floor on my side "talking" to Sophia who was lying down facing me. Lucas was playing on my legs and my hip was exposed. He crawled up and kissed it! It tickled, so I laughed and he belly laughed. He did it again about 3 more times and then laughed each time. What a goof! He has also figured out how to ring the bell on the little radio flyer bike they got for Christmas. Ding Ding Ding, all day long. Wait, it's more like, Ding- hahaha, Ding-hahaha.... Sophia crawls and stands around saying "Dum Dum Dum". She switched to "Gum" for a while, but then back to "Dum" again. Everything is Dum around our house these days. Phia has also learned to pull her bib off when she's done eating. We'll be in the middle of feeding her(or what WE think is the middle), and we'll look up and she'll have just ripped her bib off (velcro OR snap) and thrown it over the edge of the high chair. It is just about impossible to get her to eat after that. I guess she knows when she is done! The babies got to play (briefly) in a rare Memphis snowfall this week. It lasted about 10 minutes and was 60 degrees the following day. That's when we realized the camera was dead, so I got video of it instead. Hopefully we'll have new pictures up soon. It's amazing to watch these guys grow up, and I'm so glad you can see and hear about them grow too! 1/15/06 Lucas and Sophia had Christmas again this weekend when Papa George brought down all their presents from Indiana! They has so much fun rediscovering what they had already opened. Dada and Papa George put together their trike and their push wagon and they had a great time playing with them. Soph has ear infections again, so we are back on antibiotics, but she seems to be feeling ok. We already ran out and had to replace the batteries on the play table, which is their all time favorite toy from Christmas! Other than that, we are just hanging out, standing around holding on to nothing, and trying desperately to find a toy box for all of these toys scattered around the house! Check back soon for new updates! 1/10/06 As you can see from the photos, the babies are giving mama a workout. They are really getting around pretty well now, and have figured out how to put toys down on the floor and step on them to get higher, like trying to climb onto the couch.... GRRRR. Apparantly, toys serve MANY functions, like steps for example. They both have also become very defiant, which is cute right now,but I have a feeling we are going to really have our hands full. They both used to at least somewhat listen when we said no, but now they just look at us and laugh. Especially Soph... she is very ... um, independent. We're lovin' them though. We've found a new favorite breakfast food. It's strawberries and cream oatmeal. I get the low sugar kind, and it's pink like bubble gum ,but they LUV it! Also, both babies have figured out what teeth are for, so mealtime takes FOREVER! They both pick up something, and take little tiny bites off of it and chew it up. Then another bite off the same food. For those of you who know what puffs are, they bite the tiny ends off the star shaped puffs.... oh well, I guess they figure, if they had to go through all that pain to get the teeth through, they might as well put them to use! Sophia continues to love touching hair, it doesn't matter if she is screaming as loud as she can, if you give her hair to touch, she starts laughing and smiling. Lucas and Soph both love it when i scream really high pitched (like Diz from You can't do that on Television, for those of you who are old enough to remember that show on Nickelodean). Who knows why it is so funny, but it works. Also, we have discovered the wonderful world of Raffi in the car. What a lifesaver, although if I have to hear "Ducks like rain" one more time this week... I have to say, I have the best job in the whole world despite it all. :) 1/5/06 I forgot to mention that both babies have figured out how to either rub their hand or finger over their lips while they make noise, so they make the "bubububububu" sound. They had an entire conversation with eachother over breakfast like that. After that, they just talked for about 5 minutes, just back and forth baba, dada, aaah, mama, etc. Very cute. They are forever talking and laughing at eachother. I think they have jokes they just don't want to share with the mama..... 1/4/06 Ok, no new "milestones" to speak of but the babies are doing crazy stuff. First, they are sick, both of them, so we are having rough days. Lucas figured out today how to take his pants off. I'm not sure how he did it, because he didn't crawl out of them. He was standing at the coffee table, then he sat down and then stood up and was pantsless...... He was so proud of himself that he did it again tonight for Dada! Lucas also gave Sophia a kiss today. She was crying and he just crawled up and put his lips right on her cheek! she didn't stop crying completely, but it helped! We found out that Sophia is ticklish on the palms of her hands. She's ticklish everywhere,but the palms of her hands??? She's an odd one.... Soph got to bite on Lucas' hand today. He stuck it in her mouth and she bit him. He cried, but then stuck it right back in again. Who knows what they are thinking.... Also, The babies love to play with the "Puffs" container. Veggie puffs have become a main snack food when we are on the go (or not), and they love to play with the container. Today, I was trying to do a quick clean up on the kitchen and I couldn't figure out why the babies were being so quiet. I peeked over the breakfast bar, and one of the our two monkeys has figured out how to get the lid off the puffs container. There they were, partners in crime, with puffs spread all over the carpet, helping themselves to an early morning snack. Sneaky sneaky... But so CUTE! I'll update with more soon :)
1/3/06 Wow! It's strange to write 2006.... It's hard to believe all that has happened since I wrote last. The babies are growing up so fast and are learning so many new things. We had a wonderful Christmas, and the babies had a great time. We drove up to Indianapolis the week before Christmas and stayed through Christmas day. Then drove up to Chicago to see WIll's mom and John for a w few days, then back to Indy for New years. The babies got sick (colds) while we were in Indy, then Lucas continued to get worse when we went to Chicago, which resulted in an emergency room visit. He was diagnosed with the beginning stages of pnemonia after a chest Xray and a an RSV wash (which came back negative... thank goodness). He's been on heavy duty antibiotics since, and seems be to feeling better. Many long nights for mama and dada though. Soph still has a cold, but hers hasn't seemed to get nearly as bad as Lucas'. Soph started to Pat a cake/clap while we were away. She gets so happy and grins and claps her little hands together. It's so adorable. Every time anyone says pat a cake or "yeah!" she claps. She crawls so fast and pulls up without any trouble at all. she stands on her own for several seconds and often just lets go of whatever she is holding to practice. She steps all the time and is working on walking... I think we are pretty close. She figured out how to unwrap presents and had a great time doing it, although the paper and ribbons are still as much fun as the toys. Soph tried stairs and could do a few in a row, but got scared after that. She mastered the single stair from my mom's kitchen to the sun room though! Lucas waves bye bye now and says AhAh like bye bye when he does it. He too is crawling so fast and pulling up on everything. He also mastered the single stair at Nana's house. He stands alone for a few seconds too and both babies are walking behind their walker toys. Lucas has 7 teeth now and is working an 8th one through. Soph has 4 and is happy with those. We're hoping for a small break from teething for a while, although I'm sure it won't happen. We are so proud of these little munchkins and we can't wait to see what the new year will bring for them. Check out the pictures from our trip, they are a riot! AND we got a white Christmas! The babies' first experience with snow. As you can see, Soph wasn't such a big fan, even in her snow suit!
Posted by our3babies
at 10:05 PM CST
Thursday, 1 December 2005
December 2005 blog
12/16/05 Today is the one year anniversary of the death of our little Emma. She was so beautiful and so tiny and we tried to give her so much love in the short 8 days that she lived. Emma was also known around the hospital(and in the ultrasound pictures) as Baby C. When she was born, she weighed only 1 lb. 5.8 oz. One year ago today at 1 PM, she passed away and Will and I were able to say goodbye while holding her and singing to her as she slipped away. I honestly believe that Lucas and Sophia are doing as well as they are because their little sister is watching over them and keeping them healthy and safe. I know she is around, and I often find the babies staring out into space at nothing in particular, and smiling, laughing and now waving. Especially Soph, I guess you really can't break the bonds of sisterhood. Today, I honor our tiny baby that is now in heaven and watching over us all, and we miss her greatly. I will give the other two monkeys extra hugs today (if that is possible) for Emma, although I know she has her arms around them every day. I pray that she is warm, safe, happy and being held and snuggled by Will and my family that have passed already. And although that though comforts me, my arms will forever ache to hold my tiny little baby that I only got to hold once. I love you and miss you little Emma. 12/13/05 We had our 1 year doctor's appt. today and everything went really well! They apparantly weighed Lucas wrong last time (thank goodness). He is really only 25 lb. 15 oz. (which still isn't very small) and 30 inches long). Soph is 22 lbs. and 28.5 inches long. We can turn their carseats around, they are onto milk and off formula (thank goodness! We'll be saving a fortune in formula!) and they are reaching almost every single milestone for 1 year olds. Lucas officially crawled 1/2 way across the living room today to get to the singing pots and pans (Let's make carrots and peas, then we'll add some cheese.... the song is forever stuck in my head!) He has 4 teeth on the top and 2 ont he bottom. Soph is still stuck with 2 teeth on the bottom, but has 2 that look promising on the top. The doctor was very impressed with how well they are doing and how great they look. Yahoo for the babies! Now it's on to packing and getting ready to leave on Saturday for Indiana and Christmas! 12/12/05 LUCAS CRAWLED YESTERDAY! i guess he got fed up with the rolling thing, because he wanted to get to his walker, but he wasn't close enough, so he just rolled over on his knees and started crawling. He did it so nonchalantly that I am beginning to wonder if he has done it before when I wasn't looking.... Sneaky! Doctor's appt. tomorrow! 12/9/05 Quick update! The babies went in for their RSV shot today. Sophia weighed 21 lb. 13 oz. and Lucas is 27 lb. 5 oz.! They are SOOOO big! We go in for our one year check up next Tuesday! Today, I also took the babies out for lunch all by myself! We went into Perkins and they did wonderfully! They finished a grilled cheese sandwich and 1/2 my chicken noodle soup (plus a little sweet tea!) Go Team! Have a great weekend! 12/8/05 They made it and we made it! They are officially a year old! Will called this morning and we videotaped ourselves (Will on speakerphone) singing to the babies on their special minute (the minute they were born - Lucas at 8:58, Soph at 9:00AM and Emma at 9:01). We played all day and mama made cupcakes for the babies. We cooked a chicken, and had sweet potatoes and mixed veggies for dinner (a favorite of the babies). Then cupcakes for dessert! We just finished present time! The babies got some cute clothes and toys from Melissa,(Thanks Meliss!), some toys and sleepers from us, and many cards from friends and family (thanks guys!). You can see pictures of all the festivities in the 1st Birthday album! Happy birthday babies! 12/7/05 Well, it's the day before the babies' first birthday and as I think back over this year, all I can say is, "It's been a hell of a year!" We've been through an emotional roller coaster this year, with very happy and totally tragic times. I can't believe they are almost a year old. At this time last year, I was in labor (for like the 15th time) and was on various drugs to stop the labor. The babies were kicking up a storm in my tummy and I was praying they would be ok. Now, a year later, we are still mourning the loss of Emma, but overjoyed that Lucas and Sophia are doing so well. Every day they are doing something new, and they definitely keep me laughing. I have done my best to keep pictures updated this year, and will continue to do so, but there are so many moments that I have missed that I wish I could share with everyone. Like the fact that everytime Lucas gets ahold of the block bucket, he spits into it, like it's a spittoon or something. He "blows rasperries" into it for minutes at a time, I guess he likes the sound? Or that Sophia sings herself to sleep at night. We've gotten into the routine that I sing to her as she closes her eyes, and then when she is almost asleep, she'll start singing too. Eventually I stop singing and she keeps going until she falls asleep. She even does it in the car! There are so many things like this that I want them to know about themselves when they grow up, and I am desperately trying to keep up with writing them down, while still taking as much time as I can to enjoy every moment with them, because each moment truly is a gift and a miracle. These babies are miracles, and fighters. They have overcome so much and I know they will keep fighting and I can only imagine the strength they will have and children and adults. I am awed daily at their beauty and strength, determination and character. I love them in a way that I didn't know I was capable of loving. Although it is bittersweet when I know they had another sister that will never share these milestones and silly moments, I feel abundantly blessed that I get the special moments that I do. Each smile warms my heart, and each time I can comfort them gives meaning to everything I do. Ok, enough mushy stuff. I love them to death and they are cute as can be. We are getting ready for the holidays and check out the "art project" we did yesterday! (in the pictures) 12/4/05 We're getting closer and closer to the babies' first birthday! I was so excited that Lucas finally broke his top tooth through yesterday. I showed Will and he pointed out that he also had another one through that I hadn't even noticed! He now has two bottom front teeth, a left top front tooth, and the tooth just to the right of where his front top tooth should be (but isn't through yet!). Crazy, huh? So hopefully he will be in a better mood now. Soph still only has the two bottom front ones, but they are really big! Both babies are standing alone for a few seconds at a time, and are cruising all over around furniture and back and forth from the couch to the table, and from walker to walker. They are getting very brave, which makes Mama very nervous! We went out to lunch today and for the first time, the babies got their own meal! (Grilled Cheese, a favorite!) They also had some of my soup and Dada's potato salad. Plus sweet tea! (They ARE southern babies!) They still hold hands all the time and talk to eachother a lot too! Christmas ought to be interesting! Their 1 year check up is in a week and a half, so we'll have better statistics then!
Posted by our3babies
at 10:02 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 January 2008 10:04 PM CST
Tuesday, 1 November 2005
November 2005 blog
11/30/05 Both babies are talking up a storm now. We have Dada's, Mama's, baba's, ga's, nana's, and everything else you can imagine. They are both cruising around the coffee table and are getting into EVERYTHING! They absolutely refuse to eat ANY baby food anymore, even the desserts. It's on to solid food! They have finished an entire can of Chef Boyardee lasagna in the past day and a 1/2. (Plus, a small can of creamed corn and two fruit cups!), not to mention bites of whatever we are having. Lucas has decided that, rather than crawl, he will go from sitting, to his knees, all the way over to sitting again in order to move. He rolls around like that all the way across the room. Soph is having none of that, she moves so fast that we have to keep a VERY close eye on her to make sure she doesn't end up in the dog bowl. I watched her crawl into the bathroom and immediately pull up on the toilet! Time for toilet locks (or at least to keep the bathroom door latched!). Crazy babies! Lucas has a top tooth coming in and is VERY fussy today. It's almost through though, thank goodness! The babies had a birthday party while my mom and dad were in town and got their first taste of cake! Check out the pictures, they are SO cute! WE definitely had to hose them off afterwards. Also, they had their first professional pictures taken this week. Should have them back by Christmas! Can't believe they will be a year next week. Where has the time gone? 11/24/05 The babies didn't know what hit them today. They tried every single thing we had for Thanksgiving and loved ALL of it, even sparkling cider! You could tell Soph liked things when her feet would start kicking in the high chair. Lucas was easy to tell when he would start frantically yelping for more and then when you would look at him, he would hold his mouth wide open! What cuties! As for updates, Lucas finally began saying DADA today.. Over and over and over.... Soph has been exploring every single room in the house with Nana close behind. We have alot to be Thankful for this year! Check soon for Thanksgiving pictures!
11/23/05 Well, Sophia is officially cruising now. She walks/ gallops around the coffee table. Lucas is crawling backwards and talking SO much more. They are both growing up so fast and I don't think they have any idea what is in store for them with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow!
11/20/05 Lucas figured out (FINALLY) how to get from all 4's to sitting. This should make all of our lives easier! Hopefully no more getting stuck on our tummies. Soph still hasn't figured it out (that we know of), but that's because she doesn't have time to sit. She's too busy crawling and getting into everything, as well as pulling up and standing on everything. Lucas too has figured out how to pull up on everything, including the coffee table and the couch. Now we really have to watch them closely! Lucas had his first head bump this evening, but he's a tough cookie, so I think all is ok. Both babies' new favorite pastime is making as much noise as possible. They love to bang blocks and toys together, and bang things on the table, the floor, etc. They both hold one hand out with something (Lucas holds his right hand still, Soph holds her left) and then swings the other around and around with something in it to bang onthe other one. SO CUTE! They have really started playing together too, and love to talk to eachother. They think the other is the most hysterical thing in the world. I think they are telling jokes or something judging from the way they belly laugh when the other talks. Both babies were sick this weekend (stuffy noses and all around feeling yucky) and were up about every hour last night, so here's hoping for a better night tonight! We're gearing up for Thanksgiving here in Memphis with Nana and Papa George, and also for the babies' first birthdays! I can't believe it's been that long! 11/15/05 Well, obviously from the pictures, you can tell that Sophia got her glasses today. She is sporting her brand new disney glasses and is actually doing ok with them. She doesnt' try to pull them off her face unless she realized they are there, like when she falls on them, or when Lucas tries to pull them off and chew on them. She can see me from across the room now, which is really fun. All she ever talks about is "Dada Dada", but that's ok, cause she said Mama first... :) Lucas has figured out how to get from sitting to crawling, so he is moving around that way, and he pivots while sitting, so that's enjoyable too. He also pulled completely up for the first time all by himself. He used the walker, and is now working on the coffee table and other things too! They are all over the place and are having a ball playing together. It's so much fun to watch!
11/10/05 Since I last wrote, the babies turned 11 months old (on November 8th). Can you believe it? Sophia started saying Dada the other day and is crawling everywhere and getting into EVERYTHING! She is pulling up all over the place and is crawling over everything too. Lucas is up on all 4's and rocking. He goes backwards sometimes, and I believe took his first "step" in forward crawling the other day. He too is pulling up on everything. I finally got teething covers for the crib rails, and none too soon! We are getting ready for the babies' first birthday, which for a while there, we weren't sure would ever come. We are very blessed that they are so healthy and doing so well. Oh, also, they got their RSV shots today and Lucas weighs 26 lbs. and Sophia is 20 lbs. Growing like weeds! 11/1/05 Well, we've been in Indianapolis for the last week for my sister's wedding, which was beautiful. The babies were the ring bearer and flower girl. This week, Soph has mastered pulling herself up on everything and anything that will hold still long enough. She just jumps up and gets her feet under her almost immediately. She almost completely crawled onto the stool in the pictures. She is sitting indefinately, finally, although most of the time is much too busy to sit still. She figured out alternating legs and hands and is officially crawling EVERYWHERE. Baby gates and everything! Lucas is getting up on his hands and knees too. He is so proud of himself when he does it too! What a cutie! He has learned the sign for "food" and does it at mealtime and when he is hungry (mostly for puffs) which is most of the time :) They dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 for Halloween, which we felt was appropriate, since in the Cat and the Hat, they always did just the opposite of what they were supposed to do. Both have two teeth completely in and Lucas is working on a third. They tried lots of new things this week, including Pumpkin pie! Yum Yum! I'm sure I am forgetting a million things they are doing, they just grow up so fast!
Posted by our3babies
at 10:01 PM CST
Saturday, 1 October 2005
October 2005 blog
10/19/05 Update! Sophia now has 2 teeth! They broke through sometime in the past 24-36 hours. Her bottom left one is totally through and the bottom right one is partially through. She is still putting everythign she can in her mouth and isn't too thrilled about letting us look in her mouth. She also learned to play peek a boo today by pulling the cloth off her head when we cover it and call for her. Lucas did this a while ago, and we think Soph wasn't as interested because she couldn't see as well, but she really got into it today! She was laughing and giggling when Will played with her. What fun! Lucas is starting to pull his legs up under him to get into crawling position! He also has finally found his feet and loves to chew on them and hold them. We're on our way now! 10/15/05 Well,as you can see from the pictures, we are working on pulling up on EVERYTHING! Soph has really got the hang of it, and she crawls up to me, toys, her brother, the dog, etc. and tries to pull up. She has figured out pretty much hnow to get to her knees, and she's figuring out how to get her feet under her too. She loves to stand behind the walker and just look around and hold on. She's so big! Lucas is sitting so well and he is working on pulling up too. He's rolling all over the place and playing games with Sophia. He loves to hear her talk and he giggles everytime she does. They like to talk and laugh together, and all goes great until one of them decides that the other's head will taste good, or that hair is for pulling and then the screaming begins... They are both growing up so fast and it's crazy to see how much they learn every singe day. They are amazing little ones! 10/7/05 The babies are doing GREAT! We went to the NICU reunion last Saturday and had a really nice time. We saw many of the doctors and nurses that we spent so much time with while the babies were in the hospital. It was fun to see the reactions from them when they saw how BIG our guys are! We also saw several of the families that had babies in the NICU while we did, so it was nice to catch up with them and see how their little ones are growing too! While there, they weighed and measured the kids, and also made handprints of them in play dough. SO much different than the ones from the NICU when they were born! Lucas was 23 lbs. 7 oz. and 27 1/2 inches, and Soph was 18 lbs. 2 oz. and 26 1/2 inches. GEEZ! they are HUGE! Sophia is really on the go now, and she loves to scoot up the basket of toys and peek in. Then she grabs whatever toy she wants to play with, and rolls away. She rolls over and over and over now, so she get across the room SO fast. She giggles all the time now and is pretty much happy most of the time unless she gets herself stuck, like under the bouncy chair or the coffee table. Soph is sitting much better than even last week, and she seems to really like it, although she would rather be moving. Lucas is also pretty happy most of the time, although he isn't as mobile yet. Our developmental therapist discovered a new game with Lucas. She got down on her tummy while he was doing tummy time, then lifts herself up and says UP! Then puts her head on the floor and says DOWN! and Lucas mimics what she does. He got a big kick out of it, and he has played it with Will and I since then! What a cutie! He now has two teeth and is still chewing on EVERYTHING! They are so cute and we are sooo blessed.
Posted by our3babies
at 9:59 PM CDT
Thursday, 1 September 2005
September 2005 blog
9/27/05 Since the last time I wrote, Soph has said "Mama" and has continued to babble. Mostly, she loves to talk in the morning and at mealtimes. She has also figured out how to spin herself around on the floor and rotate in circles to get to toys, bouncy chairs, us, etc. She is seeing better because when I come and sit in her eyesight on the floor, she turns and starts to move towards me! So Cute! She has also started to pull up on things, although she isn't really strong enough just yet to do it on her own. Lucas' first tooth finally came through yesterday and he's in a much better mood now, although it looks as though the next one is well on it's way. He loves to bang on the keyboard while I type, and has figured out how to kick his legs and bounce in his bouncy chair. Both babies are starting to finger feed themselves, and Lucas has realized that when his hand goes out and picks up something, and then goes to his mouth, he gets food. So now randomly, he'll thow his arm out and then bang himself in the mouth several times in a row as if he is feeding himself. It's funny to watch, but maybe he's signing that's he's hungry... I don't know yet. Anyway, they are totally adorable and doing so many new things!
9/16/05 Update!!!! Ok, not much to report except that Sophia started babbling today! She blows raspberries and then says "Babababa"! Yeah Sophia!
9/13/05 Ok, so I haven't been as diligent as I would like to on documenting the milestones... but Yesterday, Sophie had her first crawls! She finally figured it out, after working and working for what seemed like weeks. She crawled about 4 times in a row, forward! Lucas has figured out how to roll both ways, and he pushes up and has started pulling his knees under him a bit, although not near crawling yet. But , he;s got a lot more weight to drag around! Both babies have figured out the sippy cups and love to drink out of them. I think it makes them feel independant. Every time i get them out, they grab them out of my hand and start drinking. They have both also figured out "uppy." When we put out hands out to them while they are lying down, they will raise both arms to be picked up. Now, for the other big news. The babies had their 9 month check up today (yes, they really are 9 months). Lucas weighed in at 22 lbs even and Sophie is 17 lbs. 9 oz. Lucas is 27 inches long and Soph is 26. The doctor came in asking "What are you feeding these childre?" She is VERY pleased with their growth and developmental progress, and she kept reminding me that they should only be about 6 months old. They are cleared to eat table food now in small pieces, so goodbye to the nasty baby food! Well, ok, they still have to eat some, but we can at least try new things! We're starting snacks like wagon wheels and cheerios, and we can cut up small pieces of food that can be mashed, like fruit and veggies! They are growing up SO fast I can't believe it. They smile and laugh and play games now, and it seriously just seems like it happened overnight.
Posted by our3babies
at 9:58 PM CDT
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