12/16/05 Today is the one year anniversary of the death of our little Emma. She was so beautiful and so tiny and we tried to give her so much love in the short 8 days that she lived. Emma was also known around the hospital(and in the ultrasound pictures) as Baby C. When she was born, she weighed only 1 lb. 5.8 oz. One year ago today at 1 PM, she passed away and Will and I were able to say goodbye while holding her and singing to her as she slipped away. I honestly believe that Lucas and Sophia are doing as well as they are because their little sister is watching over them and keeping them healthy and safe. I know she is around, and I often find the babies staring out into space at nothing in particular, and smiling, laughing and now waving. Especially Soph, I guess you really can't break the bonds of sisterhood. Today, I honor our tiny baby that is now in heaven and watching over us all, and we miss her greatly. I will give the other two monkeys extra hugs today (if that is possible) for Emma, although I know she has her arms around them every day. I pray that she is warm, safe, happy and being held and snuggled by Will and my family that have passed already. And although that though comforts me, my arms will forever ache to hold my tiny little baby that I only got to hold once. I love you and miss you little Emma.
12/13/05 We had our 1 year doctor's appt. today and everything went really well! They apparantly weighed Lucas wrong last time (thank goodness). He is really only 25 lb. 15 oz. (which still isn't very small) and 30 inches long). Soph is 22 lbs. and 28.5 inches long. We can turn their carseats around, they are onto milk and off formula (thank goodness! We'll be saving a fortune in formula!) and they are reaching almost every single milestone for 1 year olds. Lucas officially crawled 1/2 way across the living room today to get to the singing pots and pans (Let's make carrots and peas, then we'll add some cheese.... the song is forever stuck in my head!) He has 4 teeth on the top and 2 ont he bottom. Soph is still stuck with 2 teeth on the bottom, but has 2 that look promising on the top. The doctor was very impressed with how well they are doing and how great they look. Yahoo for the babies! Now it's on to packing and getting ready to leave on Saturday for Indiana and Christmas!
12/12/05 LUCAS CRAWLED YESTERDAY! i guess he got fed up with the rolling thing, because he wanted to get to his walker, but he wasn't close enough, so he just rolled over on his knees and started crawling. He did it so nonchalantly that I am beginning to wonder if he has done it before when I wasn't looking.... Sneaky! Doctor's appt. tomorrow!
12/9/05 Quick update! The babies went in for their RSV shot today. Sophia weighed 21 lb. 13 oz. and Lucas is 27 lb. 5 oz.! They are SOOOO big! We go in for our one year check up next Tuesday! Today, I also took the babies out for lunch all by myself! We went into Perkins and they did wonderfully! They finished a grilled cheese sandwich and 1/2 my chicken noodle soup (plus a little sweet tea!) Go Team! Have a great weekend!
12/8/05 They made it and we made it! They are officially a year old! Will called this morning and we videotaped ourselves (Will on speakerphone) singing to the babies on their special minute (the minute they were born - Lucas at 8:58, Soph at 9:00AM and Emma at 9:01). We played all day and mama made cupcakes for the babies. We cooked a chicken, and had sweet potatoes and mixed veggies for dinner (a favorite of the babies). Then cupcakes for dessert! We just finished present time! The babies got some cute clothes and toys from Melissa,(Thanks Meliss!), some toys and sleepers from us, and many cards from friends and family (thanks guys!). You can see pictures of all the festivities in the 1st Birthday album! Happy birthday babies!
12/7/05 Well, it's the day before the babies' first birthday and as I think back over this year, all I can say is, "It's been a hell of a year!" We've been through an emotional roller coaster this year, with very happy and totally tragic times. I can't believe they are almost a year old. At this time last year, I was in labor (for like the 15th time) and was on various drugs to stop the labor. The babies were kicking up a storm in my tummy and I was praying they would be ok. Now, a year later, we are still mourning the loss of Emma, but overjoyed that Lucas and Sophia are doing so well. Every day they are doing something new, and they definitely keep me laughing. I have done my best to keep pictures updated this year, and will continue to do so, but there are so many moments that I have missed that I wish I could share with everyone. Like the fact that everytime Lucas gets ahold of the block bucket, he spits into it, like it's a spittoon or something. He "blows rasperries" into it for minutes at a time, I guess he likes the sound? Or that Sophia sings herself to sleep at night. We've gotten into the routine that I sing to her as she closes her eyes, and then when she is almost asleep, she'll start singing too. Eventually I stop singing and she keeps going until she falls asleep. She even does it in the car! There are so many things like this that I want them to know about themselves when they grow up, and I am desperately trying to keep up with writing them down, while still taking as much time as I can to enjoy every moment with them, because each moment truly is a gift and a miracle. These babies are miracles, and fighters. They have overcome so much and I know they will keep fighting and I can only imagine the strength they will have and children and adults. I am awed daily at their beauty and strength, determination and character. I love them in a way that I didn't know I was capable of loving. Although it is bittersweet when I know they had another sister that will never share these milestones and silly moments, I feel abundantly blessed that I get the special moments that I do. Each smile warms my heart, and each time I can comfort them gives meaning to everything I do.
Ok, enough mushy stuff. I love them to death and they are cute as can be. We are getting ready for the holidays and check out the "art project" we did yesterday! (in the pictures)
12/4/05 We're getting closer and closer to the babies' first birthday! I was so excited that Lucas finally broke his top tooth through yesterday. I showed Will and he pointed out that he also had another one through that I hadn't even noticed! He now has two bottom front teeth, a left top front tooth, and the tooth just to the right of where his front top tooth should be (but isn't through yet!). Crazy, huh? So hopefully he will be in a better mood now. Soph still only has the two bottom front ones, but they are really big! Both babies are standing alone for a few seconds at a time, and are cruising all over around furniture and back and forth from the couch to the table, and from walker to walker. They are getting very brave, which makes Mama very nervous! We went out to lunch today and for the first time, the babies got their own meal! (Grilled Cheese, a favorite!) They also had some of my soup and Dada's potato salad. Plus sweet tea! (They ARE southern babies!)
They still hold hands all the time and talk to eachother a lot too! Christmas ought to be interesting! Their 1 year check up is in a week and a half, so we'll have better statistics then!
Posted by our3babies
at 10:02 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 January 2008 10:04 PM CST